Girls Love Beyoncé.

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The party was bout to come to an end and I was kinda sad I couldn't get to speak to Lucas cause he was caught up with Tamia hoe ass.But I then remembered he did ignore me the other day.

I laughed it off and took a sip of my Hennesy.

I was a lil ditzy, but I knew what was going on. I scanned over the party looking for Qui,she was caked up on the couch with Kobe. Typical.

"You staying with him?" I asked. She nodded her head in awe.

"Gimmie your keys please, gotta take myself home." She sat up a little.

"Um, no I need my car. I got work in the morning, sorry babes."

"Well how the hell ima get home?" I put my hand on my hip.

"I mean if you don't mind, I could take you." I heard a husky voice come to the side of me. I knew it was Lucas.

"Seems like my only choice." I rolled my eyes.

"Loose the attitude. Lets go." And, who the fuck he think he is?

I just trialed behind him, leading me to the front door of Jared's house. We went outside and he opened the passenger side door for me, letting me get inside. I got in and gave him an odd look. He is quite the gentle man.

He closed my door and ran around to his side of the car and got in, quickly pulling off.

It was go be about a half an hour drive, due to me living in the suburbs. we rode in silent with the radio quietly in the background. it was comfortable. I started to play with the radio as 'Drive By x Eric Bellinger' started to play.


"Even when you not here you get all of my time
Sweeter than a number 9 with a large sunrise
Every nigga in your past hit em' with the cross 5
Now I'm shooting to your crib like it was a drive by."
I turned up the music and I started to sing along as I danced in my seat.

Lucas looked over to me, "This yo song?" He laughed.

"Yes, yes it is." I smirked as I continued.

"I can't get you off of my, out of my mind
I'm saying stop playing girl you out of line
Couldn't erase these feelings even if I tried

You stay on my mind
Thinking about you
Thinking about you
You stay on my mind
In the morningggggggg
Late at nightttttttttttttt
On the jobbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
Baby you stay on my mind"

I guess the liquor was kicking in. The song had came to an end and I continued to snap my fingers.

"So, Cymia while we got time to talk. Tell me about yourself."

"Hmmmm what you wanna know?" I mean why not.

"Give me the basics." He looked at me and back to the road.

"Okay, umm I honestly don't know what to tell you. Im still kinda figuring myself out. One thing I can tell is that music is one of my escapes and my favorite influence is PartyNextDoor. He literally is my favorite. I love his samples, his vocals, tunes, and the lyrics! man! But Im a quite person and stay to myself." I simply explained.

"There gots to be more." He smiled as I notice we were infront of my house.

"Um, maybe one day you can find out. But I don't tell my buisness to One Night Standers." I scrunched up my face as I got out the car. Just cause you offer me a ride don't me we cool. I don't wanna seem like a spoiled bitch but I don't want to seem like Im just open for him to think im a 'easy girl.' But I mean its prolly the liquor that got me talking. Plus, like I said if he can be all in my face one day then ignore me the next, He just don't seem like good news.


I fluttered my eyes open and I just wanted to get up but , I couldnt. My body just wouldn't let me. Yep, I got a hangover.

Then completely out of no where I ran into the bathroom throwing up and releasing all of my insides of last night's liquor . Yuck.

I sat there for a bout 5 minutes as I got enough energy to get some Tums out my cabinet and I dry swallowed it as I began to brush my teeth and hoping in the shower.

Its Saturday morning and I just want to sleep in and do completely nothing. Prolly just listen to music and do homework.

My phone started to buzz and I was getting a call. I picked it up and the contact 'Mommy🤗💞' flashed.

I sat and thought on if I should answer. I mean I haven't spoke to her since she kicked me out. I have nothing to say to her honestly. But I just clicked answer .

"Hmm, Hello?" I asked and there was a soft voice,

"Hi Sissyyy!" My 9 year old sister, Ciara squealed.

"Hey pooh, I miss you!" I smiled. I havent heard her little voice in weeks.

"I miss you too, come back wit me and Chirs." She pouted.

Chris is our baby brother, he 4 years old.

"I wish babes, you want me to be happy right?"

"Yes, of course."

"Well I gotta be away for a while. I'll come visit for christmas."

"Christmas? Sissy I wanna be happy too but I cant be that if you not here. Christmas so far away." She whined.

"Look, Ciara. Ima make it up to you okay, I promise. Where is Chris?"

"Right here." She handed him the phone.

"Chris baby I miss you." I smiled into the phone.

"Hi Cymie!" (S-I-Me)He never could pronounce my name right.

"What you been doing?You been good for mommy?"

"Yes I been good boy and nothing I got a new racer car." He started to make car noises.

"Oh wow thats good pooh! I cant wait to see it. And where is mom anyways?"

"Mommy right here, wanna talk to her?" He chuckled.

I stayed quite until Her raspy voice filled my ears,

"Cymia?" She asked.

"Tell Ciara and Chris I Love Them." I spoke and ended the call. I have nothing to say to her. Do she not remember what happened.

I smiled that I got the chance to talk to my sister and brother and I do want to go see them for christmas, They didn't do nothing wrong to not see they sister.

I just want a break from all this stressing....



comment ideas or Wattpad message me cause I don't know how I want Cymia and Lucas to become one.

thanks loves💞...

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