Rex 1

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ATTENTION READER: This oneshot has been re-written. Originally published in December of 2016, I have re-written this in November of 2023. My writing skills have greatly increased since then. Feel free to continue here, or you can find my new work at this link: 

Warning, this story has a little violence (not much) in it, but it will end happily.

"Hey, Ahsoka!" I greeted my best friend as she stood in the hallway, waiting for me. She said she had something important to tell me. "Hey, Clipso!" She greeted back. "What did you need to tell me, Soka?" I asked, slightly worried.
She put her hands on my shoulders. "You need to tell him." Was all she said as she gave me a knowing look. I shook my head and stood firm. "Ahsoka, you KNOW he doesn't like me back in that manner..." I said to her as I shook my head again. "He DOES Clipso! And it breaks my heart to think that you don't think so cause it's obvious he does!" She said to me. I gave her a confused look. "How so?" I asked.
"How is it obvious?" She asked, and I nodded. "He acts different around you! Like, when he addresses me, he's a total rock. When he addresses you, I can feel how he gets softer, so to speak. And also, his nickname for you." She said. I didn't believe her. "No way." I was blushing slightly at the mention of my nickname. Anyone is allowed to call me it, but only Rex does so. He found a way to make my short name shorter.
"Ha! Look! You're blushing at the nickname thing!" She pointed out, rather loudly, I may add. "So??" I said in a quieter tone, hinting at her to take her voice down a notch. "Anyone can call me that!" I told her. "But only Rex does and you know it!" She said in the same quiet tone of voice. "That's not my fault, Ahsoka!" I said. "Besides, those aren't very good reasons! Maybe he just addresses me different cause I'm a different person! Maybe he addresses Ani differently than me or you! I mean, I would do that too. Just as I greet you differently than Ani. Except I can speak freely how I choose unless someone of authority is around."
She rolled her eyes at me and sighed. "He likes you, I know that for sure. And I'm pretty sure he wants to go beyond a professional relationship with you, whether it be friendship or something else." She told me. "That's fine." I said. "But I'm not gonna have my heart broken, so unless he tells me, I'm not gonna do it, Ahsoka." She sighed again. "Can you at least try? Please?? For me???" She gave me puppy dog eyes with her big blue eyes. I groaned, giving into her scheme. "Fine!" I said.
She clapped her hands together happily and gave me the plan. "You're gonna pull him aside when he looks like he's not busy. Then, you take him to where nobody can see or hear you guys, except me, and confess your love for him. And if he doesn't love you back, I take the full blame and I'll do whatever you want without question until you're fully over it. I promise."
I relived what she said in my head. "Wait! What is this alone, except you thing?" I asked. "Oh, did you catch that...?" She said as she laughed sheepishly. "Ahsoka!!" I whisper-yelled at her. "Okay! Okay! I won't. I promise." She said. I knew Ahsoka was one to uphold her word. I was happy about that, but my stomach still felt sick for what I was gonna do tomorrow....

When I awoke, I felt a new courage that I hadn't felt in a long time. I happily marched toward the main control room and walked up to Rex. "Could you meet me in the back hallway in a few minutes?" I asked quiet enough for the others not to hear. "Is something the matter, Sir? Did I do something wrong?" He asked. I shook my head. "Just meet me there in a few minutes." I said and turned and walked out.
I sprinted down the hallways and into the abandoned "back hallway" as all of us call it at the base. Rex walked up almost ten minutes later. By then, I had caught my breath and sat down. I stood to greet him. "You came!" I said happily. He only nodded. "Rex." I said, putting my hand on his upper arm. I sighed.
"Rex, I loved you from the moment I saw you. Something about you and I just... I love you..." I admitted to him. His face turned from rock solid, to shock, then to disgust and hatred. He shook my hand off of his arm and slapped me across the face. He slapped me again, the other way. I couldn't believe it.... Tears rolled out of my eyes as I cowered against the wall. "You're a no good, lying, cheating, stealing outcast who annoys everyone!!" He said to me and slapped me harder and harder for every word.
Blood. I could feel blood trickling down my face. Along with my tears. I loved him! How could he?!  I was trapped now.... I had nowhere to run... I sank to the floor, afraid for my life. Ahsoka came to my rescue. I couldn't believe it! She shoved Rex away from me and halfway down the hallway using the force. She picked me up and helped me back to my own room, eying Rex, who was just laying on the ground.

I woke up and screamed, breathing heavily and waking Ashoka, who I roomed with. Ahsoka turned and looked at me, her hands on her belt, reaching for her sabers. When she saw me, her eyes widened. "What happened?!" She said in a panic. I could still feel the blood trickling down my face.

I put my head in my hands after Kix patched me up. I couldn't believe it... I had a vision! Of Rex! But I wasn't happy. "This..." I said as I pointed to my bandaged cheeks. "....Is why I don't confess my love to people, Ahsoka." Kix was still standing there, but I knew he wouldn't tell anyone or question it. "You can't stop trying because of some stupid dream, Clipso." Ahsoka told me. It was about ‪1:00‬ in the morning and I was tired.
"Ahsoka. You know as well as I do that it was a vision. This is gonna happen and I don't think Kix feels like re-patching me up. Especially after I've already been hurt the exact same way! I'm just gonna sleep here, where Kix can patch me as I dream. Yeah... That'll work..." I said as I put my face down into the infirmary pillow.
She shook her head and sighed, standing with her arms crossed. I noticed that she does that a lot. I must disappoint her. "You're going to do it if I have to drag you down there, and say it for you. And trust me, that would be harder to explain than when he caught us dying his armor pink.
My eyes widened and I stifled laughter at that memory, making Kix look slightly scared. Ahsoka smiled as well. "Don't worry, Kix-Bear!" Soka told him. We called him that 'cause he sounded like a bear when he insisted we rested, practically yelling at us. "As long as no information slips out, you're all good, Kix-Bear...." I said as I smirked. He shook his head and covered his ears, mouth, then eyes and walked into his office. I laughed then rolled over on the bed and closed my eyes. I heard Ahsoka get into the next bed over. She's my best friend, and I'm so grateful for her...

When I woke the next morning, I noticed that I didn't have any new cuts or bruises, which was good. I felt my cheeks. They were still tender to the touch. I sighed and looked to Ahsoka in the bed next to mine. I smiled. "Hey, Ahsoka....?" I whisper-talked to her. She stirred slightly but didn't open her eyes. "Yeah...?" She said back. "You're the best friend I could ever dream of..." I told her back, and she smiled. "You are too..." She said and opened her eyes, sitting up. She rubbed them then looked at me. "Ready?" She asked, and I sighed. "No....." I said, knowing that wouldn't hold it off any, and got up.

I walked into the control room. I saw Ani at the main console and spotted Rex near the map, planning tactics, escape routes, and other various strategy-type plans. I walked with Ahsoka over to Ani. "Mind if I borrow Rex?" I said, quietly. "Or is now not a good time?" I asked cautiously.
Ani sighed and rubbed his head. "Sure. Take him." He said. I could tell he was stressed, but knew Ahsoka would take care of it. I walked over to Rex. "Hey, you busy?" I asked him. He turned to me and saluted. "No, please..." I said, taking his arm and lowering it to his side. "I just wanna know if you're busy." I said. "Well, I'm finishing up a few tactics, Commander, and-" "Can I borrow you for a moment then?" I asked, immediately feeling guilty that I cut him off.
He nodded and I led him away. I didn't want to, but I led him the the back hallway. I sighed. "Rex, I... I love you and I always have from the moment I saw you and I'm sorry if you don't like me back but this is how I feel so please... Don't hit me..." I said very quickly as I cowered away from him, making sure I had room to run this time. It took him a moment before he even moved or responded. He gently grabbed my upper arms. "I'd never hurt you...." He said and I was shocked. "I love you, Clipso. And I always have too...." He said. His hands slipped down to my waist and he pulled me into a kiss. I put my arms around his neck and kissed him back, happy tears streaming down my face.

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