Fives 3

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WHOA!!!!!!!!! I just looked and there's over 1K views?!?! Oh, my gosh, THANK YOU ALL SOOOOO MUCH FOR ALL OF YOUR TIME. THANK YOU ALL SOOOO MUCH FOR READING MY STORY!! I love you all and I'm single! ;) (JK, but I really am single) :P :)

Now, onto the actual story. I wrote this for my BFF. I started it a long time ago and never finished, but here it is! <3

There once was a Jedi. Beautiful, tall, skinny, and when she smiled, she could make anyone pass out of her beauty. Her name was Rosa. She was beautiful on both the inside and the outside, but she had many secrets. Dark secrets. Truth is, she was a secret bounty hunter. She went by the name "Destroyer" in the bounty hunter world. Rosa is from Mandalore, where they lived under the tyranny of a pacifist, the Duchess Satine. Rosa despised Satine, always calling her "witch lady" ever since she was little. Rosa, however, was not a part of the wretched Death Watch. She was more of somewhere in between and while she was loyal to the Jedi and the Republic, she made her extra living from being a bounty hunter. What did she do with this extra living? Well, she used it to keep her sister from dying.

Rosa was what she was known as, sure, but her real name was Caitlyn. And Caitlyn didn't take crap from anybody. If someone said something bad about her, she simply smacked them and walked away. If they wanted to fight, she'd punch their lights out. Working for the Jedi, of course she had to be known as a different name as a bountie.

Caitlyn was also in love with this man. He was a clone trooper, sure, but couldn't she still fall for a man? Her relationship with him may have been forbidden on both ends, but that didn't stop her from low-grade flirting with him and him becoming her best friend. Though each wanted more, the other didn't know. One day, Rose heard of an ARC Trooper who'd gone crazy. She listened in on the conversation closely in the Clone Bar.

"I heard that this guy went crazy." The first man said.

"Yeah, I heard it was a clone." The second replied.

"Me too. Like, one of those high-class ones. Like the ARCs?"

"Yeah. Heard he was on the run for murdering another clone and attempting to kill the Chancellor."

"Really? Do you think they'll find him?"

"I hope they do. Could be BAD business."

All at once, Rose felt a familiar presence walk into 79's. She was glad she had her helmet on. She turned to see Fives, bald, hiding his tattoo under a – presumably – stolen hat. He stood there for a moment before seeing Kix and Jesse at a table. Rose got in his view, walking up to him. "Hey, you." She said.

Fives turned and began to run. Rose ran right after him and, being faster, quickly grabbed his arm and pulled him into a back alleyway, pinning him to the wall. "Hey! I just wanna talk!"

"I don't want to talk to you." He spat at her.

Cait took one hand from his shoulders and took off her helmet, quickly pinning him again. "Udesii, Ni malyasa'yr va din'kartay gar!"

Fives looked awestruck for a moment. "Caitlyn? You're a bountie...?"

"Yes. I am. My sister is sick and I needed the extra money."

"And you're not gonna report me?"

Cait shook her head in response. "I'd never report you. I believe you."

I love you.

Fives sighed and sank to the ground. "Palpatine is the Sith Lord behind all of this... Behind the war and the Seppies and the chips in all of our heads! You need to save my brothers. You must convince the council of this." He pleaded.

Cait knew the council wouldn't believe her, of all people. They're the ones holding my sister, after all.

"Fives, they won't believe me. They're holding my sister captive. That's why I need the money. Have you not noticed the recent change in armor? How do you think all of that was paid for? Along with all the paint and designs on everyone's armor and helmets."

Fives looked shocked. He couldn't take it anymore, standing up. He pulled her into a passionate kiss, pushing her against the wall. Cait was surprised, but pleased, dropping her helmet, and wrapping her arms around him, kissing him back passionately and desperately.

Thank you all sooo much again!!! <3

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