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Neoria is a planet that nobody can find, unless it wants to be found. In other words, you can only find the planet if you're destined to find it. If you are pulled in by this planet, you won't know it until you wake from the crash. Naturally, you won't know where you are, and nobody there will know you.

Now, Neoria has a very complicated system of government, so when you crash, you will inevitably be found by the kingdom's guards, perhaps even the king's guards, if you're lucky. You will be escorted into the kingdom, which is split into many different districts. We'll get to that later. 

When you're taken to the king, the guards will report your behavior and aura. In simpler terms, they will tell the king if you ran or tried to hide, and they will tell the king the feeling you're radiating. See, Neorians have unique skills. They can naturally sense what others are feeling, especially if they're not from the planet itself. 

When the king questions you, he will either let you stay in the castle, or have the guards take you to the dungeon. Assuming you're staying in the castle, you'll be escorted to your own room. The guards will guard you, however, one guard will most likely come to talk to you at some point. 

He is the head guard of the king, and his name is Zev. Zev comes to talk to you about the kingdom and how things work. He tells you the following: 

"My name is Zev. They call me the golden heart. I am the head guard here and personal guard of the king. You should know that on this planet, everyone has a sixth sense, and everyone has feelings they convey when touched. Basically, if a person has a naturally calm feeling, they will convey a naturally calm feeling toward you when they touch you. Everyone has this skill, so to speak. I don't know if you noticed, but when the guard you rode with on the Dibi touched you, or you touched him, you got a natural feeling of cheer, or joy. His name is Jim, by the way. The other guard who went with you was Jack. They're twins. If you need anything, just ask Jim or Jack. They're my two most trusted guards and my best friends. I'm assigning them as your guards. Don't worry, it's just a routine the king enforces. They won't be invading. They will simply guard you to make sure you're not doing wrong."

You nod in response and turn back to your room, where everything is set up for you. Zev puts his hand on your shoulder and whispers an apology to you before leaving. You turn to where he was and wonder why he said that, noticing that you got a feeling of complete trust from his touch. Shrugging his apology off, you turn back to your room, which was seemingly perfect. 

Almost too perfect, you thought. Nevertheless, you examined and explored your room before sitting on the bed and wondering what to do next. After a while in silence, you stand and open the door to your room. Two guards are outside the door. You notice their unique armor and helmets, then ask them what you should do. 

The two take off their helmets, and they are indeed twins. Both have brown hair and light freckles, along with red accents on their armor and blue eyes. One smiles gently at you and the other smiles at you with more of a happier tone. The one with the happier smile, whom you assumed was Jim, begins saying that they could show you around. You nod happily and smile. Jack chuckles at his brother and the two lead you outside into the courtyard and out the front gates to the rest of the kingdom. 

Jack walks beside you, smiling gently and taking in a soft tone to you. You soon see that his smile is a fake one, to avoid people asking. He talks softly to you, telling you that he was so sorry. You tell him that you don't understand, as Zev had said the same thing to you. Jack puts a hand on your arm, a feeling of calmness washing over you as you look at him. He begins to explain:

"This planet is called Neoria. We are a peaceful people, though we know how to defend ourselves. Most of us are very generous and would take you in within a heartbeat, but some people here are only loyal to the king. His name is Malius, and he's not very nice. In fact, he's probably the worst man on this planet. If it weren't for his skillful and strategic nature, we guards would refuse to serve him. We're deathly afraid of what he's going to do to us, you see, and we don't fight his ruling. We do what we can to change it, but we cannot do much. I believe you crashed on this planet to help us, and to help end Malius' rule. The planet chose you."

You're taken completely aback by this news, but you nod, telling him you'll do what you can. He tells you it won't be easy, and if you don't want to, the two brothers could help you escape. You only nod in response, not sure what to do, a feeling of panic rising inside of you as soon as Jack takes his hand off your arm. You now understand why he had his hand on your arm in the first place. You try to stay calm as you walk through the beautiful streets. You focus on the beauty of the crystal planet. 

Everything on the planet is sparkling and beautiful. You pass many houses, each district just a bit different, mostly in color. You try to memorize each district according to their colors.

When you get back to the castle, you sigh. Jim asks you what's the matter, but you simply shake your head, knowing you shouldn't say aloud in case the king was listening. It must be why Zev didn't explain in the castle and why Jack used a hushed voice, even away from the castle. You smile at him and he smiles happily back. He takes you by the arm, pulling you along. A feeling of joy washes over you and you smile more as he drags you. You laugh at his enthusiasm and ask where he's taking you. 

He just smiles wider and Jack follows behind, smiling gently as well. You're led to a beautiful garden, where there's a woman working. Jim yells out to the woman. "Mom!"

The woman looks up to you and Jim, then smiles. Jim lets go of you as the woman stands, and they embrace one another in a hug. You stand where Jim left you, but Jack takes you closer to the woman. The boys introduce you to her, her name being Moira. You politely introduce yourself and she smiles. She notices immediately that you're an off-worlder....

Sorry it's not finished, but I made this planet up long, long ago and I wanted others to see and experience it. I don't know if I will do an update to this, but for now, this is what I've written. I hope you all liked it! <3

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