Author's Note (Tagged)

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Hey! Alright, so I was tagged by World-President and so I'm going to try my absolute hardest to do this! This is my first time, so please don't hate on me if I mess up. 


1. Rules Have to be Stated

2. Tell 5 things about yourself

3. Tag 15 different people

4. Must be completed within 1 week

5. It cannot be done in the comments

So, here's my five things about myself.

1. I'm absolutely OBSESSED with anything Star Wars and completely devoted to Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008 version).

2. I play lots of Role Plays with my BFF CupcakePanda17 over text in our free time. We also consider one another sisters. 

3. I love hugs and affection and I'm SUPER soft-hearted.

4. I pour my heart and soul into my writing, loving each piece I write, though I doubt if others will like it or understand.

5. I love making up OC Clones and developing their backstories, so if you see someone you don't recognize, it's just a person I've made up in my mind and I'd be happy to give you their backstory if you ask!

And now, for the tagging...

I don't have many friends, so I'll tag followers instead.
















(Isn't it sad that that is all my followers besides World-President?   ;(    )

I counted many times and I'm pretty sure I got all 15! (Besides World-President because that's who I was tagged by in the first place) Anyways, please mention me if you do this because I'd like to know! Also, any questions (as long as not too personal) are welcome in the comments below! Thanks!

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