After Umbara (Rex 5)

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I know it's not a xReader oneshot, but I decided to write this and put it here. #CloneWarsSaved Thanks for giving me my inspiration back. :) (Also, I'm not sure, but I guess sadness warning? If you know anything about Rex's experiences on Umbara... Well, yeah.)

We finally arrived at Coruscant. I waited patiently to be dismissed by the Jedi Council. I pushed away the memories and thoughts about what had happened on the planet's surface. I knew clones were made to withstand any stress or PTSD, but it was too much. I repressed my thoughts for as long as I could, focusing on what was going on around me. I looked to my brothers around me, who were also awaiting dismissal. I focused on what made each of them unique. Fives, the headstrong ARC who was right all along. Jesse, who wasn't always recognized for his bravery. Kix, who cared for everybody, even when nobody cared for him. Tup, the careful and considerate soul, who was Dogma's squadmate. He wasn't taking this endeavor well either. I could tell nobody was.

I stood beside one of my best friends, Commander Cody. He was focusing on the Jedi council as they debriefed him. I knew I was next. I knew I had to remember, for the sake of myself and my brothers. Fives, Tup, Kix, Jesse, and I would all be charged with treason if I didn't share what had happened on that godforsaken planet. Cody finished sharing with the council what he knew of his men attacking ours, which was little to nothing. General Kenobi backed him up, saying he didn't know of it until after the fact. The council thanked him for his testimony, then all looked to me. I was standing at the end of the line, and last to go. Soon, the first question came from General Windu.

"Captain, when you were on the planet Umbara, General Skywalker was called away to duty. General Pong Krell replaced him, is that correct?"

This was routine, I knew it was. "That's correct, General."

"What was your first encounter with him like?"

I thought back to the beginning of the mission, just after General Skywalker departed. I could hear Krell's voice. "...for a clone... stand at attention when I address you... will not be rewarded... there's a reason my command is so effective... I do things by the book!" I tried not to cringe as I listened to the harsh voice haunting my thoughts. "My first encounter with him was... different. He was unlike General Skywalker, sir."

"When did you first start having problems with him?"

I thought again, trying to come up with an answer quickly. General Kenobi must've sensed my rushed recollection and assured me I could take my time. I took a quiet breath and slowed down. I remembered the strange flying creatures, but decided it wasn't truly a problem, rather, a precaution we didn't need to take. That was on us. Then, I recalled the pace we kept for over twelve hours. We clones were made to trek in long and harsh conditions, but when I suggested we rest, he turned me down. I brushed it off as well. Soon, I concluded that the first true problem arose when were to begin our first attack. "Are you questioning my order?!" Krell's voice echoed in my head. "When we were to begin our first attack. We set up for General Skywalker's strategy, which was to surprise them with multiple attacks. General Krell decided to change our tactic to marching up the main road. I tried to reason with him, but he wouldn't listen to me. We followed through with his orders and soon enough, we found ourselves completely exposed on the main road, being shot at from all directions. General Krell wasn't helping us like General Skywalker does. Rather, he was watching from a distance.

"When we finally pulled back, General Krell came to me and asked if I had a malfunction. He criticized my judgement. Fives tried standing up for me, but was threatened by General Krell, who held a lightsaber near his neck. I tried to compensate for my actions, explaining that I was loyal to him, but I had a duty to protect my battalion as well. I didn't seem to get through to him, and he calmly addressed my feelings, then dismissed me."

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