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Hey, so I know I haven't updated in a while, but here's another part. I don't have regular readers, therefore no motivation to update regularly. But, anyways.
This story will most likely hit your feels pretty hard. This was me venting a little bit of stress through writing (the only way I know how). This was also inspired by the book Of Mice and Men, which we're reading in English Class. It was inspired by Lennie in particular. *smiles some* Read at your own risk, my wonderful readers.

(Y/N) sighed as she landed on Kamino. She'd come to adopt a clone, one who wouldn't leave otherwise. This would be the clone's only chance and she wanted to give it to him. She knew exactly who she had in mind. She walked out of her ship with a determined look behind her eyes. Nala Se came out to greet her. (Y/N) hated Nala Se with a passion, for Nala Se simply killed defective clones, or even made them suffer first. Death on Kamino was a sweet, sweet release.

(Y/N) knew what she had to do. Being a senator from Kamino, also having grown up there, she knew the planet like the back of her hand. She bowed respectfully to the Kaminoan doctor. "Hello." She said. Nala Se nodded. "Hello, Senator." She said back. She led the senator to the room on Kamino where many clones sat. This, (Y/N) called the "Room of Execution." She couldn't help but tear up at the sight of the 30-some clones sitting, standing, collapsed, crying, weeping, and cuddling one another inside the room. She walked in, each and every clone begging her for help in some way. Whether it was a verbal plea, a pair of broken eyes meeting hers, or a clone grasping her arms through the force. She WANTED to help all of them. She HAD to.

But she couldn't. Nala Se wouldn't allow her to take more than one clone per week. Two, if she was lucky. The clones she took, she'd take care of, and nurture them back to health, then hiding them on a colony on an abandoned moon that she'd bought. It was hidden far in the Outer Rim, far out in Wild Space. Others went back into the GAR so that they had their fair chance to fight, like they wanted to. She never pressured her clones. Her brothers.

(Y/N) walked through the room and into the back. There was one small clone that she knew wouldn't have the slightest chance, even with Shaak Ti, who saved many of the clones from execution, but made them slaves for the GAR. Though, sometimes, that was better than a beating and execution from this room. She walked up to the small clone, huddled alone in a corner. He had bruises and cuts, and even a few deep gashes that had obviously been left to heal on their own. He had tear stains on his face. He always had tears coming from his eyes, in his eyes, or on his face. For this reason, they'd named him "Tear."

(Y/N) didn't know what this clone had, but it looked medical, not a defect. (Y/N) sighed and knelt down next to the clone. Nala Se was also there, standing behind the senator and looking down disgustedly at the small clone. "Nala Se, this looks medical to me, not a defect." (Y/N) said, gently looking at the clone with a small smile. "He has Down Syndrome." She said. Nala Se said it a little TOO disgustedly for (Y/N)'s taste. She kept her face in a small smile at the clone nevertheless, and he looked from her to Nala Se and back to her.

The clone focused on (Y/N) for a minute, looking curiously at her. "You pretty..." He said. "Is you an angel like the ones on.... On..." The small clone stopped and made a face, as if trying to remember something. (Y/N) smiled bigger at him. "On the moons of Iego?" She asked. The clone's face lit up. "Yeah!" he smiled for the first time in his life, and giggled some. "Youse is so pretty..." The young senator smiled even bigger and more genuinely than ever, then stood. "I want him, Nala Se." Nala Se only sighed and nodded. "Alright then." It was obvious the Kaminoan knew that this clone was defective because he had a disease that he had no control over. If anything, (Y/N) believed it was the Kaminoan's fault for not paying attention to the mutation in the first place. Nala Se wanted this clone to die. (Y/N) would let him LIVE. She helped the small clone to his wobbly feet. She got a good look at him. He was a bit bigger than most clones were, despite being starved.

(Y/N) supported Tear and helped him to her small shuttle. Nala Se didn't support her decision. "I beg you to reconsider, Senator (Y/L/N). CT-8832 is defective and deserves to be treated as so!" (Y/N) rolled her eyes at the Kaminoan and sighed. "How many times have we gone over this, Nala Se? I'm taking the clone I choose and you cannot stop me, especially because I have the support of the Republic Senate AND the Jedi behind me." The last part was somewhat of a lie. She didn't have ALL of the Jedi supporting her, but the ones who cared for their men, such as Plo Koon, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Anakin Skywalker, for the most part. She's saved more clones with them in on it than she ever had without them, but Nala Se didn't need to know that.

Nala Se simply shook her head. "I don't see why the Jedi and Senate are backing you on a bunch of defective clones, but I'm not one to argue with them." (Y/N) just nodded, but as soon as she took off, she shook her head. "Nala Se is a liar." She said to herself. She put the ship on auto-pilot, then turned to Tear. "Hey... What's your name, young one...?" She asked. "I... I think... Everyone calls me.... Tear...?" (Y/N) smiled. "What a beautiful name." She said. She smiled softly at him and he smiled slightly back.

There it is!! I hope you liked it... I hope I got the symptoms right for Down Syndrome... Please don't hate on me if I didn't...? I've never met anyone with Down Syndrome, but I did make an effort to look up symptoms and stuff.... Thanks for reading! Requests, Comments, and Suggestions are greatly encouraged. If you do request something, I'll get it up ASAP. (Certainly quicker than this update was posted, even though I began writing this this morning. :) )

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