Grenade ~ Gree

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This story was inspired by "Grenade" by Bruno Mars. Sorry it's short, and prepare yourself for major feels here. 

                (Y/N) walked through the rubble of the battlefield with her love, Gree. They were in a secret relationship together, which only Gree's most trusted men knew of, in case they needed to cover for the two. They walked silently through the battlefield. Gree held her hand gently and squeezed it softly every time they saw a dead soldier. Gree sang softly to her as they went through the rubble. Among the broken battle droids, an unknown commando had survived the rubble.

Sneaking up behind (Y/N), the sneaky commando droid grabbed her, ripping her hand from Gree's. Gree spins around and pulls his blaster from his holster, pointing it at the droid. The droid shoots the pistol from Gree's hands, (Y/N) struggling in the mechanical arm of the droid. The droid threw something at Gree, Gree catching it. The droid ran off, (Y/N) falling to the ground next to Gree.

Gree looked terrified, looking at the small item in his hand. (Y/N) stood and looked at it as well, her eyes widening. "Gree, it's a--!" She's cut off by Gree crashing his lips to hers, kissing her one last time. "I love you, (F/N) (M/N) (L/N). I will forever." Gree said before sprinting as fast as he could away from her, her standing in shock with tears rolling down her face. Gree ran over a hill, then an explosion happened in the valley on the other side. (Y/N) fell to her knees in sobs.

That night, all the soldiers cried for Gree, creating a memory board, giving it to (Y/N) for her quarters. (Y/N) sobbed for days about Gree, cherishing the memory board. She wandered into Gree's quarters one day, seeing a small box on his bedside table. She walks over and opens it, a beautiful wedding band inside. It was engraved, saying "Gree and (Y/N) Forever". (Y/N) slipped it on her finger and sobbed, going back to her quarters, sobbing herself to sleep once again.

Again, sorry it's so short. It was just an idea that came to mind. <3

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