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It was my first day on the job. I was instructed by General Organa herself to keep an eye on her brother. Now that the Empire had been defeated, he was becoming restless. She was worried that he would get himself into trouble. Considering all the bounty hunters around the galaxy, I could see her point. As I walked up to the door of Luke Skywalker's room, I hesitated. I wasn't sure if I could handle the man my first day, but nevertheless, I pushed onward, knocking on the door.

The door opened a few seconds later to reveal the handsomest man I'd ever seen. He had shaggy blonde hair and deep baby-blue eyes. He was fully clothed in black, wearing a glove on one hand. His lightsaber was attached to his belt, as was mine. I was not force-sensitive, but I knew how to use a lightsaber.

"I'm assuming you're my new guard?" he asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yes, I'm Diana Prince." I told him, shaking his hand. "General Organa sent me to watch over you."

Luke sighed and rolled his eyes. "My sister can overreact sometimes. I don't need a watchdog."

I raised an eyebrow, shooting him an "oh, really?" look. He rolled his eyes once more, then allowed me inside. I stepped inside the door, leaving my cloak on. I wanted to keep myself and my double-bladed saber hidden until needed.

Luke sat at a table, but I simply stood at the door, looking around his house from where I stood. I saw mostly his kitchen and dining room. I caught him looking at me. "What?" I asked.

"Nothing." He stated simply.

The rest of the day went well. He had given me a room to stay in, which was next to his. I couldn't sleep that night. My guardian instincts felt something was off. I walked out and sat at the table instead.

Around midnight, I saw Luke creep out of his room, fully dressed. He lacked his saber, though. I found this peculiar as he headed toward the door. Just as he opened the door, I spoke up. "Where are you going?"

He jumped, not expecting me. "I... Um... Out!" He told me, panicked.

"Then I'll come with you." I said. He turned to look at me, obviously confused. I walked up to him. "I can't stop you from living your life. I was sent here to protect you, not bore you to death by keeping you in one place."

Luke chuckled slightly.

"You also seem to be lacking your lightsaber." I told him. "You'll need me if you get into a tussle."

Luke smiled and nodded. "Alright then. Let's go." Luke and I got into his landspeeder, heading toward the city.

When we finally reached the city, Luke parked the landspeeder and got out. I got out behind him and walked by his side. Allowing myself to look around, I noticed we were in an area with a high crime rate. Sighing, I looked to Luke, who was calm and collected, seemingly with a determination in his eyes.

We suddenly heard a shriek from an alley we were passing by. Both stopping immediately, Luke and I listened for foul play. Sure enough, the woman was yelling for someone to help her. Luke sprinted down the alleyway. I sprinted after him, close on his heels. When we got to the woman, she was in the process of being robbed. She'd been putting up a good fight until the man pulled out a blaster and pointed it at her. Luke yelled at the man to stop, but the man turned the blaster in Luke's direction. Luke didn't have his saber. I only had a second to decide, not having enough time to pull out my saber. Instead, I pulled Luke backwards, pushing myself between him and the blaster bolt. I stood strong despite the excruciating pain in my stomach, pulling out my saber. The man stopped his robbery and ran off, leaving the woman intact and Luke unharmed. I deactivated my saber and fell to the ground.


The scene in front of me began to fade and Luke's voice became harder to hear as I lost blood. Luke was now on his knees next to me, holding a cloth to my stomach. He was smart, but it wasn't enough to save me.

It occurred to me that I'd probably never seen him again. An ache fell upon my heart and tears streamed down my cheeks as I looked at his face. I knew I had only met him that day, but he was so sweet and caring. From the time I knew him, I had learned a lot about him. He was a gentle man, but also quite determined. He only wanted peace in the galaxy and wished crime would stop. His voice grew further and further away as my strength diminished.

I tried to focus on his voice. He was crying, asking me to stay awake.

I'm afraid that's not possible, love...

He was holding me to his chest. I listened to his heartbeat and felt his warmth. Then, he pulled away. For a moment, I became upset, feeling unwanted, but that was until his lips touched mine. His kiss was unlike anything I'd ever felt before. His soft lips replenished my strength, allowing myself to wrap my arms around his neck. When our wet cheeks touched, I could feel the blood stop flowing from my stomach. He pulled me closer, and for a moment the entire galaxy was frozen in time.

I lived.

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