Joyride Part 2

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"This speeder is registered to CT-7567. Why is it in your possession, Commander Sabrina?" He asked me in a mechanical voice. I don't know exactly why, but I got awful irritated... "First of all, Its CC-7567, and his name is Rex. Captain Rex. And it's in my possession 'cause he let me borrow it 'cause I don't have one. He's been giving me lessons on how to drive it and I was.... practicing..."
The droid gave me what I could tell was a disapproving look, and so did Serendipity. I sighed and looked at the droid. The droid continued to look at me, occasionally writing something down in his notepad. Eventually he began to transmit something over his radio in a droid language that I didn't understand.
When he spoke English again, he said, "This speeder has not been reported stolen. How long has it been in your possession, Commander?" "About an hour, now, Sir." I said respectfully, trying to make up for my outbreak earlier. "Where is your license?" He asked. My eyes widened and I glanced at Serendipity, who looked worried. "I.. I don't have one, Sir...." I told him.
"Then I have to bring you back to base until someone can pick you girls up." He told me. I shook my head wildly. "No, no, no, no, please! Don't!" I pleaded, afraid of what would happen if Rex found out that I went for a joyride on his speeder, not to mention without permission AND taking Serendipity with me, also getting caught speeding and without a license by the police.
"I'm sorry. If you continue to resist you will be apprehended." The mechanical voice spat out. I looked at the droid sadly and went with him in his landspeeder. Serendipity stayed quiet the entire ride to the precinct, as did I.

When we finally got there, the chief of police, an electric blue Twi'Lek, greeted us with much kindness and sincerity. She explained that they were trying to catch some bounty hunters who have robbed many banks and stores for a little pocket cash. I remembered Rex telling me about how bounty-hunting business is slow right now and there aren't many jobs.
She did tell us that we would either have to pay a fine or spend three nights locked up for speeding, unlicensed, on a speeder that isn't ours and we had no permission to use. How she knew that last part is beyond me. I looked to Serendipity, then back at the chief. "How much is the fine?" I asked. "500 credits." She told us firmly.

"500 Credits...." I mused aloud. I looked to Serendipity. "How much you got?"  She pulled out some Credits from her pocket. "Sixty" She told me regretfully. I sighed and emptied my pockets as well. "I've got eighty...." We looked at each other, then the chief. She sighed. "I'm sorry girls... Unless you have somebody to cover this fine, you'll have to spend the time in jail."
We looked at each other regretfully and then looked toward the phone. I shakily reached for it, but I heard blaster fire and dove onto the ground, curling up into a ball and putting my hands over my head. I stayed like that for what seemed like forever when somebody started to shake me, quietly whispering my name. "Sabrina?? Sabrina?!" They said. I looked up and it was the chief. She was holding a hand to her stomach, which I could see red weeping out of. I immediately got up and helped her, Serendipity also coming over to help.
I felt a blaster point to the back of my head. 'Crap....' I thought to myself as I slowly raised my hands in surrender. "Hello, pretties...." Said the woman holding the blaster to my head. "You're coming with us." Said the man holding a blaster to Serendipity's head. We got up and went with them, soon finding out that it was Aurra Sing and Bossk, the two bounty hunters.
"What do you want with us!?" I spat at them after we took off. "You're worth much money to the Sith. It's said that you two know more about the Republic and all their secrets than the Chancellor himself." Aurra Sing spat back with pride. "We're lucky we caught both of you so vulnerable at the same time. Good thing you two are sisters." She told us as she smirked, making me growl.

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