20 (First Chapter)- A New Fate |Episode 5|

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A big thanks to amazement- for the AMAZING cover! ^^ If I ever need a cover I know who to ask! :)

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YOU FINALLY GOT THERE, the two day journey was over.
And to be honest, sleeping on a horse is not all that fun. You had blisters on your hands from holding on to the guard who sat in front of you. His large stance and long hair made the ride extremely unenjoyable. As his body took up the majority of the saddle and his hair tickled your nose. Not to mention his lack of humor and your heavy sarcasm did not mix well.

You felt unsteady on the horse as your eyes laid upon the three people standing at the entrance the small stone castle post. The group stood in a triangle, the prince, you assumed, was standing in front and his two guards, male and female, stood behind him.

The guard grunted as the horse came to a halt, he eased himself off the horse before helping you down as well.
You straightened your posture before walking towards the group. You had no reason to feel nervous you kept reminding yourself.

The prince smiled, "M'lady" he bowed, "I'm Zen Wistalia, the second prince of Clarines," he paused, examining the guard behind you, "This is my guard Kiki," The woman who stood behind him nodded her head at you, "and this is Mitsuhide," The man who was Mitsuhide smiled a forced smile.

You opened your mouth to introduce yourself but Mitsuhide spoke first, "Master," he failed at his attempt at whispering,  "isn't she a little young to be here, she's like what," Misuhide said, then looked at you as you raised an eyebrow, "like 9,"

The small smile you found on your lips quickly straightened, "15. And for your information, my name is Y/n." You glared at him, "Use it next time."

"15." He corrected himself, avoiding your gaze.

Kiki chuckled loudly, grabbing both of the men's attention "Oh, so she's a little younger than Ryuu," she glanced at Mitsuhide, "which we need her to meet as soon as possible, in case you forgot."

"Of course." Mitsuhide said, forcing another smile at you which you returned with a glare.

You turned to the guard who brought you here, "Thank you for accompanying me during this trip despite knowing it to be unnecessary." You gave a sincere smile. It was an uncomfortable journey and he travelled it without any complaints. He was just simply a dull human and that you did not enjoy spending time with.

He looked down at you, "Kings orders," he looked away, "I didn't want to anyway." he mumbled as he stroked the horse before getting onto its back.
You took back what you said about no complaints.

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