Chapter 24: "Any Of You Stab Me, You'll Lose An Arm"

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BIG NEWS: THE CONTEST IS OPEN AGAIN. Since I have changed things since the book started, the winning scene doesn't go with the book anymore. The winner was very understand and we're INSTEAD, writing a DIFFERENT scene that I KNOW you guys would like ;D 

SOOOOOO, THAT BEING SAID, you can read the conest rules in the beg of this story, AND it can be a scene YOU WANTED to happen from what you've already read or it can be a scene you WANT to happen! 



*dedicated to my editor <3333 

Chapter 24

Ella was getting ready for a dinner party.

She couldn’t believe it. Storm just invited her to a “formal dinner party.” He says it’s because he is determine to make them feel like comfortable, but Ella knew better.

And just like she knew better, Shane knew his father. And the minute Shane could get them alone; he told him what he knew Storm was going to try to do.

She looked at herself in the mirror. She could tell this was Ash’s old room. There was a pretty banged up punching bag in the middle of the bedroom and that was enough for her to know.

She just finished taking a shower-her first warm shower in months. Right now she was wearing a pair of sweats and a tank top. She found it nicely folded on the queen size bed. Did Storm have maids? She thought. Ella didn’t think he could communicate with anyone who wasn’t undead. But she was proven wrong when there was a knock on the door.

The girl behind the door doesn’t wait for her to answer before it flings open.

A girl entered. She looked extremely shy; Ella noticed she wouldn’t even look her in the eyes.

“Master Storm wants to meet you in the main hall,” her small voice said. What did he want now? She thought. “I’m here to take you to the fitting.”

“Fitting?” Ella repeated, raising her eyebrow. “What fitting?”

The girl doesn’t look up. “The fitting for the dress he wants you to wear to the dinner tonight,” she responded.

“He’s crazy,” Ella muttered. Fitting for a dress? Who did he think he was?

“He also doesn’t like to be kept waiting,” the girl snapped back at her, her eyes finally meet Ella’s. So much for being shy, she thought. Despite her hatred for the man, she made a deal. And it’s been hours since she seen Jeremy. She hoped he was still in one piece.

So Ella followed the girl out of her room only to be greeted by two zombies. She knew they were there. Storm has those things everywhere. He had one posted on every door and you couldn’t go two feet away from them before they start forcing themselves on you.

The girl took Ella (and her guards) down the hall and around a few corners until they stopped in front of two huge doors. Storm had outdone himself with this mansion, Ella thought. It was more like a castle. But that’s what Storm wants, to be treated like a king. The doors opened and Ella walked into a huge room. The room was active, with zombie soldiers training off to one end and a group of girls in the other. Storm was sitting in front of his army, watching. Ella noticed Jeremy sitting in a chair near Storm, with Shane standing next to him. They were both in one piece.

“Jeremy!” Ella yelled, taking one step towards him. But she didn’t get anywhere near him because a zombie grabbed her by the arm.

“We go this way,” the zombie growled at Ella, his unnatural voice sending chills down Ella’s back. She let him drag her to where the groups of girls were. She noticed some of them had pins in their wrist.

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