Chapter 5 - It's Complicated

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*Sorry if this is either boring/confusing, I haven't planned the first few chapters yet. I'm just going with the flow right now LMFAO! 

Chapter 5


I remember the first time I found out Jeremy could talk to zombies. I remember it like it was yesterday.


“How much longer,” Alyssa said, whining as she leaned against the door, half asleep. It had been officially a week since prom. We found this abandoned truck just a few miles away from the school. It felt like we were driving forever. We didn't know where we were going, we only knew that we needed to get Shane and Ashley back safe and sound.

The only problem was, we didn't know where they were.

I leaned against the passenger door, closing my eyes. Dominic was driving, while Jeremy and Alyssa in the back. Dominic and Alyssa were even speaking to each other.

He might act like he didn't care, but of the corner of his eye, he kept looking at her from the rear view mirror.

It was dark outside. The days seem shorter as I felt we were running of time. Who knew what Dr. storm was doing to Shane and Ash.

“You look tired,” I said, turning my attention to the black haired boy next to me. Dominic had dark circles around his eyes and would yawn every few minutes.

He shook his head. “No, I'm fine,” he lied, as he stared at the dark road in front of us. It was clear he didn’t want to sit next to Alyssa.

“I can drive, if you want,” I offered, not wanting him to fall asleep while driving.

“No I'll do it,” Jeremy said, sitting up. He smiled up at me. I smiled back. Despite everything, Jeremy always put a smile on my face.

“Are you sure?” Dominic said, raising his eyebrow.

Jeremy nodded. “It’s nothing. You need to sleep,” Jeremy said, as Dominic pulled over. Alyssa had already fallen asleep, her chest rising up and down as she took deep and slow breaths.

The exchange between Jeremy and Dominic was quick and silent.

I leaned back as I watched my boyfriend get into the driver seat and start the car again. We were the only car on this road, the headlights being the only light tonight.

I pulled my knees to my chest as I turned my head and watched Jeremy drive. He was looking at me from the corner of his eye, smiling slightly as he watched the road.

The prom night was still playing in my head, you know, before the zombies had attacked. The way he looked at me and said those three little words for the first time.

“I love you.”

It echoed in my head all the time.

Then suddenly his eyes widen and he slammed his foot into the breaks. I quickly put my hands in front of me, stopping me from hitting the headboard of the car.

“What the fuck,”  I hear Dominic say, waking up.

“Jeremy, are you trying to kill us?!” a now woken up Alyssa also yelled.

But Jeremy didn’t say anything. His eyes were locked on the road at something. I followed his gaze.

Like a deer caught in headlights I saw a girl in front of our truck, her hands up in the air shielding herself from the car.

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