Special Chapter :D

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Shane’s POV

“No... no. Like this,” I placed my hand on my forehead, saluting. The zombie nodded, and placed his hand on his forehead. But he didn’t salute. All he did was wack his face.  

I groaned in frustration. This was going to take forever.

Sorry boss,” the zombie said, lazily.

I waved it off. “Take a break,” I ordered. “Go eat a person or something.”

The row of zombies I was training nodded, separating apart.

I fixed by General uniform as I sat down. I can’t believe Storm has me doing this- training his army. How could he ask me to do that?

I didn’t like it. I mean, how could you? You walked around in this freaking uniform, showing zombies how to speak properly, when to follow orders, and how to fight. It was terrible. But I had to do it. If I didn’t, he would not only kill me, but also Ashley.

Now I became really sad. The reason I was so unfocused today was because today was my birthday. And to top it if I was just told by my so called father a few weeks ago that Jeremy, Ella, Alyssa and Dominic were all dead.


He wouldn’t tell me how, and it got me thinking he was lying. But then again I never saw Shayna again. Not after I sent her to find Jeremy.

Which got me thinking he might not be lying.

I sighed as I put my head in my hands.

I wanted to get out of here so bad, but I wouldn’t know what to do after. I knew that somewhere in Florida there was a secret military army forming, but how the hell was I going to get to Florida without getting killed?

You’re not, said a voice. I rolled my eyes at it. Stupid conscious.


I looked up and saw one of the new zombies standing in front of me. He was young, probably no younger than sixteen.

“No stuttering soldier,” I said, standing up. He straighten up. That’s what I liked about the new ones. They always showed so much respect for me.

S-sorry s-sir. It’ss jusst my ssss I have trouble with,” he said. I waved it off. I really could care less.

Massterss back and he’ss hurt,” he said, making me almost jump in excitement.

“What?” I said, trying not to smile. I didn’t even wait for him to answer as I walked right past him inside Storm’s new lab. I practically ran inside and through the halls to John’s office. I was about to go in when I heard voices inside. I, out of instinct, bent down and leaned against the door to hear better.

“This is deep sir,” My father’s right hand man said. I bit my lip. I really wanted to know what happened.

“Don’t you think I fucking know that,” John growled. He let out a groan in pain.

“Who knew that bitch would actually plant an ax on your leg,” The British scientist said, and you could almost hear him smiling.

“Wipe that smirk of your face or it’s you who’s going to have an ax on his leg,” Storm threaten. I silently laughed. I wonder what girl they were talking about. It must be some badass girl to have hit the “great” John Storm with an ax.

I leaned in closer.

“What are you going to do?” He asked. I think he was bandaging Storm’s leg.

“What can I do?” He growled. “You saw how many zombies he has? I didn’t think Jeremy could actually make an army! I was so fucking wrong.”

I almost stopped breathing. Jeremy? Did he just say Jeremy?

Storm continued talking. “We need to split them up again, Jared,” John concluded, “No, better yet. We need to kill them. I’m sick of them ruining my plans. First the cabin, then Washington and now this? These freakin kids need to die. Especially that Alyssa bitch. No one hits me with an ax and gets away with it.”

I stopped listening by then. I got and practically ran down the halls, inside the main house and up the stairs.

I almost kicked the door down from excitement.

The blonde haired girl turned around, wiping the sweat off her face. It took me a second to remember why I was here, considering the fact she was punching a punching bag only wearing a sport bar.

Damn her body.

“Where’s the fire?” Ashley joked, walking to her mini fridge and getting out a water bottle. I took a deep breath, because I lost it running here; and at the sight of her.  

“They-they’re alive,” I said breathlessly. “Jeremy, Ella, Alyssa and Dominic... They’re alive!”

She stared at me for a second, processing what I just said.

“Forreal?” She said, smiling. I smile too. It was the first time we were both happy in a long time.

“Yes! Apparently John had a little encounter with them and ended up hurt. I don’t know much, all I got was that Jeremy’s making an army and apparently Alyssa remembered some of the lessons you were giving her.”

Ashley smirked at this. “Go A,” she said, taking a sip of the water. As she did so I walked closer to her until I was in front of her.

She looked at me.


I smirked. “You know what this means, right?”

She raised her eyebrow. I wrapped my arms around her, getting her to smile.

“We can get out of here, Ash,” I whispered into her ear. “We can escape.” I leaned in and kissed her. She smirked into the kiss, making me smile. 

Best birthday or what? 




YA'LL LOVE ME NOW? ;D Anyone catch that hint I added.... Read Storm's dialogue carefully :)







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