Chapter 25 -Gowns shouldn't be Allowed During the Apocalypse

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*Hi. I suck and update like a turtle*

First of, Contest is still open! please join :) 

Second, Banner on the side is of the Valentines day cards I made for You can't cuddle! To see them individually please take a look at the facebook page (link on my profile!) If it doesn't work, just send me a message and I'll send u the links with them. They're good *flips hair* you'll want to read them ;D

Third, NEW AND IMPROVED YOU CAN'T CUDDLE WITH A ZOMBIE BOOK TRAILER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its probably the best thing I've ever done (next to my Anna Dressed on Bood trailer! 3,200+ views!) WATCH IT ON THE SIDE!

Now, Even as I write this chapter I think, Immune is missing something. Ah. I think it needs boys fight over girl fight. I mean, it's a tradition, isn't it? ;DDD

With that, I leave to enjoy this chapter :)

*dedicated to this amazing girl for her amazing comment! Yes I still dedicate if you leave me an amazing comment! I've been doing it since day 1 and will do it forever!

Nolan Funk as Charlie (younger brother)

Tyler Posey as Johnny (older brother)

Chapter 25

The driver seat flew open as Ashley jumped out of the truck, forgetting her weapons and only focusing on the zombie girl she hadn’t seen in months.

“Shayna?” Ashley said, stepping closer to her. Shayna’s brown eyes widen and she let out a moan. Ashley wished she could understand, but the look on her face told Ash she remembered her.


Suddenly two boys emerge from the woods, their face red and their breathing was audible.   

The boys looked at Ashley alarmed and raised their weapons at her, getting Shay and Hailey to jump out of the car, their axes aimed at the boys as well.

Ashley swore mentally at the fact that she forgot her gun inside the car. She put her foot forward and did a fighting pose. She may not look like much, but she could take these two out before they had time to think about pulling the trigger.

Shayna looked between Johnny and Charlie and then Ash. She sensed the tension. She didn’t think twice about stepping in front of Ash, shielding her from the view of the boy’s weapons. This made the brothers lower their guns, but not completely.

Shayna let out another moan and Ashley watched as their hands fell to the side.

She watched in awe. They understood her. Which only meant one thing...

“Ashley?” One of them repeated. Ashley’s defensive pose shattered. She didn’t like the way he was looking at her. The older looking one eyed her up and down, like there wasn’t much to see. She straighten her back, placing her hand on her hips.

“And you are?”

The younger looking boy looked at at his brother before speaking. “We’re part of the Immune-”

Ashley raised her eyebrow, cutting Johnny off. “The what?”

Shay dropped her ax. “We heard about them!” She said excitedly. “Remember Hailey-”

“Right! Aren’t you guys the group of immune kids who teamed up with the zombies?” Hailey finished, matching Shay’s face of excitement.

“Wait what?”

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