Chapter 8: I'm so Sick of it

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Chapter 8


I let out a scream as I threw a rock at my mirror. It cracked, of course, but it different shatter. I wanted it to shatter. I didn’t want to see my reflection.

I looked ugly.

My eyes were red from all the crying I did after the conversation I had with Dominic.

I picked up one the pieces of glass. I looked at it. A long time ago I would have use this.. I would have used this to hurt myself, like I did months ago.

But I’m stronger than that. I’m stronger now.

I used the piece of glass and the shattered mirror to see the scars on my back.

They were fading, sure, but the memory will always be there. The memory of why I am like this today.

The scars use to be long, as they use to go right down my back. They use to be open and bloody from the harsh treatment I had.

For a month, this scars were made worst and worst.

“Alyssa!” I turned rapidly, dropping the piece of glass on the ground.

Jeremy took one look at the mirror and what was in my hand and thought the worst.

“I wasn’t cutting!” I said before he could think anything bad.

“You said you weren’t going to do that anymore,” He growled, coming in and closing the tent.

“And I haven’t!” I said, crossing my arms. “I just- I got mad and I broke the mirror and I was just looking-”

“Looking at the scars?”

I tried not to cry. Crying was for the weak. That’s what he said.

I nodded.

“Alyssa,” Jeremy said, pulling me into a hug. The minute he did, I started crying.

“Sh... sh... it’s ok. They’re dead, Alyssa, remember? They’re dead.” He kept repeating it over and over again but I wasn’t listening.

But I didn’t just kill them. They had killed me.


“Jeremy were have a vehicle coming your way. It’s not one of ours,” A voice said through the walkie talkie.

“Everyone get in position,” Jeremy ordered through the walkie. People started moving, getting weapons and hiding in the brushes like we had practice many times. Me and Jeremy always stayed in the camp, up front, holding guns aimed at anyone who could be threat to us.

But now we weren’t alone.

Ella and Dominic were next to us, in the same position.

A small truck started approached and we held our guns up high as it came to a stop. The car was beat up with a few blood stains on it. Nothing new really. The car door opened slowly.

Out jumped a guy, no younger than 19, wearing really tight skinny jeans and a loose shirt.

“Hm...” He said, looking us over. “Look at those sexy men. I could just eat you guys up.”

Dominic and Jeremy’s eyes widen while I smirked.

He was gay.

“What do you want?” Jeremy asked, ignoring the comment and getting to the point.

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