Chapter 14: And Then There Were Four

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IMPORTANT! Memory lost Dominic is going to play a huge part in the next big part of this story. I have added new things since I have thought of a third book so bare with me. It might be raw, kind of like the Resistance was. BUT. THINGS. ARE. GETTING. REAL. Also who do you think could play Ash? I need a kickass actor to play her for the awesome video I'm making that will leave all you guy amazed ;D HELP ME PLEASE? I'LL LOVE YOU FOREVER!

P.S How would you guys feel about a spin off? With like the Next generation?

Chapter 14


Ghost held the knife closer to the little boys neck.

"His blood will be on your hands," Ghost told the leader. The young man looked back at his brother then back up at the mysterious person hidden behind a hood.

"What do you want?" The leader asked, trying to act clam. He wasn't going to let anything happen to his little brother. They both had lost some many people....

"I have a job for you guys," Ghost told the group in front of him. The group was made up a few children, mostly between the ages of 11 and 14 and the rest were teens. Ghost just happen to spot them traveling by foot in the direction of his targets. This was just what he need. He had to change everything, his plans were getting rearranged and all because of that stupid emo.

He was going to have so much fun killing him slowly.

"What kind of guy?" The girl asked, making Ghost snap his head at you.

"There's a group of people I need you to kidnap," He said slow. The leader raised his eyebrow.

"Why hell do you need to kidnap them and why would be do it?"

Ghost pressed the knife closer to the boy's neck. The leader automatically stepped closer and Ghost smiled.

"You wouldn't want to lose another brother, now would you Derek?"

Derek felt whole body shake. Who the hell was this guy and how did he know his name?

"Why the fuck would we help a complete stranger who was threaten to kill a little boy, huh?" another voice said. Ghost stopped smiling.

"The world's going to a lot of changes," he started, "My boss, the starter and creator of all of this has plans. Plans that sadly doesn't involve humans."

A silence roamed around everyone in the room.

"But stick with me and I can grant that no harm will happen to you."

Derek stared at his group. He promised to keep them safe. They had all lost everyone they loved. He was all they had left.

To show them he was serious, Ghost slowly removed the knife from the unharmed boy.

"Think about it. All you have to do is steal some people for me," he said, his voice less threaten and cold than before.

Derek look a deep breath.

"Fine. But only the older ones are going. Sarah." The girl that spoke before looked up. "You'll be in charge while I'm gone," he ordered. The girl looked like she was about to object but didn't. She nodded.

He looked back at Ghost.

"Who is it you want us to kidnap?" Derek asked. Ghost smiled. He knew he was good with words.

"A group of people getting in my way."


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