Chapter 2

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"Athena, we have to leave. Kanan might have already left and the government is probably on their way," Hera urged.

"He still might be here!" Athena argued.

"Zeb, watch her I'm gonna take off," Hera ordered with a strict voice.

"Hera! He might-" Athena squealed in pain as she tried to stand up, and sat back down.

"Athena, we can't stay here any longer," Hera told the human teen.

"But.." Athena said.

Hera left to fly the ship before Athena could say anything with Sabine close behind.

The ship lurched a little. And Athena just stared at her foot.

Zeb understood how Athena felt leaving a member behind, but it was probably worse considering Kanan is Athena's only relative she had.

"You feelin a'ight,kid?" Zeb asked.

Athena let out a depressed sigh and said nothing.

"You need ice?" Zeb asked.

"No, I've had worse," Athena assured.

"Your leg looks pretty bad, ya sure?" Zeb asked.

"Thank you; but no," Athena replied.

There was another silence between the human and lasat.

Ezra walked into the common room to see Zeb and Athena.

"Hey, Ezra," Athena greeted, still looking at her left foot.

"How you feeling?" Ezra asked.

"I don't know," Athena sarcastically said " I just broke my wrist, my leg, I haven't taken a real shower in days, I don't know where my brother ,Kanan ,or a girl that helped to save my life is and I had to sit in the hot desert with a broken wrist and leg, how do you think I feel? "

Ezra was taken back from what Athena just said, "Wow, um..."

Athena sighed, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to take my frustrations onto you."

"You sure you don't want ice?" Zeb asked.


"We have to put it in a splint,it's the best thing for it," Zeb suggested.

"I'm gonna wait," Athena said.

"You really shouldn't do that," Ezra opined.

"Who knows? I might heal like I did when I got shot," Athena shrugged.

"But you might not," Ezra pointed out.

"Just... just...just leave me alone. I don't want to talk," Athena said as she crossed her arms on her right knee that was bent upwards and buried her head in her arms.

"I know what you're going through," Ezra said.

"No you don't, I just want to be alone," Athena snapped and buried her head in her arms even more.

Zeb glanced at Ezra and they came to a silent agreement and they walked to their cabin, leaving Athena alone in the common room.

The door closed behind Zeb and Ezra sat on his bunk.

"You think we'll find Kanan?" Ezra asked.

"I don't know, but Athena sure seemed upset," Zeb replied.

"She was a foster kid, no family for so long that she could rely on. And then she losses her brother, that's gotta be hard."

"Yeah, do you know what to do?" Zeb asked as he sat on his bunk.

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