Chapter 15

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"She needs a father and I can't be that!" Kanan snapped.

Hera's face changed from frustrated and angry to surprised and confused.

"I-I just I can't...she needs a father in her life and I'm not it. I can't even say 'Love you' to her right or even give her an actual hug." Kanan said.

"Kanan..." Hera placed a hand on his shoulder "She has you, she has Ahsoka, she has Zeb,Sabine, Ezra and even me. She just needs you, her brother, to just go and talk to her."

"I don't know how, I don't even know what she's going through. She must be so terrified, all these new things in her life and she always hides whatever pain she has."

"You do know what she's going through though, we've all been scared at one point of her life. And we've all admitted it, she just needs you to let her know that it's okay for her to be scared."

"You're right, but I don't know how to say that to her."

"Just talk to her, just like you talk to Ezra," Hera said.

"I don't know how to; she's a little different than Ezra," Kanan admitted.

"Not by as much as you think," Hera smiled.

Kanan was confused by that.

"Think about it: they both grew up on their own, they both have a habit of getting in trouble, and they both have you as a figure to look up to."


"Talk to her," Hera cut Kanan off.

"Hera, I think we should just leave her alone, at least for a half-hour," Kanan offered.

"Fine, a half-hour. No more," Hera said and left the cargobay, leaving Kanan standing on his own.

Hera walked to the cockpit to check the radar and saw Athena sitting in the co-pilot seat. She noticed Athena never sat in the pilot seat, she had always sat in the co-pilot seat or the other seats. Hera wondered if she just knew to not sit there or if she just was respectful like that. Either way, she was glad she didn't have to explain that to Athena. The rest of the crew knew that only Ahsoka, Kanan, and Hera were allowed to sit there. She smiled and sat in the pilot seat next to Athena, who was watching with amazement at the sky of the planet, seeming like she had forgotten about that Imperial broadcast.

Athena didn't even notice Hera until she began to look over the control panel.

"Hey, Hera," Athena said, still staring at the sky.

"You like the view?" Hera asked.

"Yeah; on Earth I never got to see stuff like this," Athena said.


"Yeah, I went on planes, but they never flew this high."

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Hera asked.


"You know, maybe I will let you fly the Ghost," Hera said,cooly.

Athena looked over at her with hope and a big smile and a certain glint of happiness in her eyes, "Really?"

Hera smiled and shook her head, "No, just wanted to see you smile." 

Athena smirked, "Okay, you got me. But are you sure?"

"Never will I let you fly my ship," Hera said "Unless you become as good as a pilot as me."

"Darn," Athena chuckled. "I don't think I'll ever get that good."

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