Chapter 9

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The entire crew, plus Ahsoka, Rae and Athena were all sitting in their former seats as they watched the movie begin. Zeb had made some popcorn-like food and they all were snacking out of it. Chopper was seated right in front, but he wasn't tall enough to block anyone's view.

As the movie began Rae said;


"No one was talking," Zeb said, confused at the shushing.

"It's a thing on Earth," Athena explained.

"Shush!" Hera shushed.

They were all quiet for the first few minutes.

"What are those things?" Ezra asked.

"They are dinosaurs, they dominated Earth for a long time but most went extinct a long time ago," Athena explained.

"Then why are they not extinct in this movie?" Kanan asked.

"Because they genetically mutated the fossils and traces of them so they could come back to life," Rae explained.

During one part of the movie, there was a part where humans were getting eaten and Ezra clung to Athena and Sabine did the same thing to Ahsoka and Kanan and Hera clung to each other. Zeb just stayed frozen in his chair while Chopper patted his little robotic arm on him to comfort him. Once the scene ended, they went back to normal.

"That was sick!" Hera exclaimed "You Earthlings are absolutely sick!"

"Hey! That wasn't even the scary part!" Rae complained.

"What?" Kanan asked, his eyes wide.

"Just watch," Athena said.

"I don't know if I want to," Zeb said.

"Just watch." 

At the scene were the two boys were in that little hamster-like ball and the dinosaur was attacking them, Ezra clung onto Athena and Hera and Kanan clung to each other again. Sabine clung to Rae and Ahsoka just stayed frozen along with Zeb.

At another scene, Ezra actually had to leave the room because he thought he'd get sick. Sabine also had to leave and go to her room and Ahsoka left to go to the cockpit because she couldn't stand the movie either. Hera and Kanan didn't let go of each other and Zeb gripped his chair insanely tight. Rae and Athena exchanged looks.

"I think they might have nightmares about this."


At the time the movie ended, Rae turned off the HoloTv and it took about 10 minutes until Kanan nor Hera could even muster any words.

"That...that..." Hera muttered.

"What..wh- wha-..." Kanan stuttered.

Athena rolled her eyes, "Sissies."

"I'll go see if Ezra's still alive," Rae said as she walked out of the room.

"Okay, I'll try to fix these 3, you fix the other 3," Athena called.

"On it."

Athena snapped the fingers of her right hand in front of Hera and Kanan "Hello? Come on, I didn't break you did I?"

"Never watching an Earth PG-13 movie again," Kanan stated.


"Come on, Zeb," Athena called "If you see a light, don't go towards it."

"You Earthlings are sick..." Zeb stated, still gripping his chair.

Athena narrowed her eyes and huffed, "Rude, never letting you guys watch any actual horror movies."

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