Chapter 14

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"Focus, Athena," Ahsoka instructed.

"I'm trying!" Athena said as she struggled to stay in a handstand on top the Ghost as it glided through the atmosphere of a planet.

Athena was now in a uniform and armor that she had made up from scraps all painted in black by Sabine .She had a skirt with pants that were all black with bolts embedded in the cloth along the bottom of her skirt. The pants she wore were the blue ones that Sabine gave her. She had a chestplate of armor painted blue, green, and purple.Athena's hair was pulled back into a ponytail like Kanan's. As for her shoes, she wore her black sneakers.

"Do or do not-"

"There is no try, I know!" Athena said.

"Ezra's training sessions are a lot more entertaining..." Chopper beeped as he sat next to Ahsoka.

"What's he sayin'?" Athena asked.

"Nothing, just relax and focus," Ahsoka instructed.

"I don't understand this!" Athena said.

"You need focus so you can control your powers better," Ahsoka explained.

"And handstands help?" as she shifted her weight from one hand to the other.

"Yes," Ahsoka stated.

"So, with you being a Gray Jedi, does that mean you're training me to be a Gray Jedi?" Athena asked.

"I-hold on, how'd you know?"

"Earth, remember?"

"Oh, yeah," Ahsoka remembered "But it's complicated, I am not a Jedi, but I don't know if I'm a Grey Jedi. I am training you how to use the Force in every way except for the Dark side. Whether you choose to be a Grey Jedi or a Jedi is completely your choice."

"Ok. What's the difference?"

"It's complicated."

"Has anyone else been able to change colors like me?" Athena asked, still struggling to stay in the handstand.

"Not that I've heard of." Ahsoka said.

"So I'm a Chameleon Jedi?" Athena asked jokingly.

"I'm leaving, heck with you guys!" Chopper beeped and rolled to go back inside the ship.

After Chopper left, Kanan came out on the roof of the ship, "How's it going?"

"Good!" Athena strained to say "I'm actually starting to see spots!"

Kanan walked over to Ahsoka, "Handstands?"

"Yes, my Master had me do this when I was a Padawan," Ahsoka said.

"Mine did too," Kanan added "How's she doing?"

"Fairly well, especially for one of her first times," Ahsoka gestured to Athena.

"Really?" Kanan asked.


"Can I stop now? I feel like I'm gonna puke!" Athena whined.

"Fine, you can stop," Ahsoka said.

Her Padawan collapsed with relief onto the roof, "Thank you!"

"Come on, let's do another training exercise," Ahsoka offered as she walked over to her Padawan still laying on the roof.

Athena let out an exaggerated sigh and stood up.

"So, anything I could help with?" Kanan asked, still standing where Ahsoka was standing before.

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