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Hera, Ezra and Athena were all standing at the lift gate that was down, Hera held two cloaks for them, one slightly bigger that the other.

"Okay, you two have the supply list." Hera said "Just...stay safe."

"Hera, I grew up on Earth." Athena assured "Ya know? The one that made that Jurassic World movie?"

"We never speak of that movie again." Hera said and handed the two their cloaks.

"Agreed." Ezra said and put his hood up.

"Fine." Athena said and also put her hood up.

The cloaks were just past the length of their knees and Ezra's was a brownish/tan color and Athena's was a rusty redish/brown. They both concealed the two's faces with their shadows with a string that tightened the hood around them.

"Be safe, Ezra, keep the creds close to you and don't show that you have creds, unless purchasing something. But don't show more than you'll spend." Hera instructed.

"Got it, anything else?" Ezra asked.

"Athena, don't start any fights with people." Hera warned "And say nothing about Earth."

"Wha- why do you think I'll start a fight?" Athena asked.

Hera narrowed her eyes "Just don't get into fights."

Athena sighed "Anything else?"

"No drinking anything , except for these waters." Hera said, giving the two string canisters of water and they both strapped them on under their cloaks.

"Well duh." Ezra said "Isn't this place infamous for all their alcohol?"

"Yeah, but someone could also poison us." Athena pointed out.

"See? She's smart." Hera said as she pointed to Athena "Now go now, the market it 3 clicks to the west and get here before sunset."

"Okay, bye." Ezra said and him and Athena walked out of the cargo bay and into the desert.

After a minute of walking, Athena got tired of the silence "You ever been to Tatooine?"

"No, you?" Ezra asked.

Athena turned to him and playfully narrowed her eyes "You do realize where I'm from, right?"

Ezra realized his mistake and laughed "Oh my gosh, I'm sorry. I forgot."

Athena smiled "Dofus." Athena rolled her eyes.

"So is this walk like the one you and Kanan took in Mexico?" Ezra asked.

"Kinda, but 2 less suns." Athena said "This is ridiculous, I like the one sun thing."

"Same, on Lothal it was really nice weather with just one sun." Ezra said.

"On Earth, we had a bunch of different climates. Hot, cold, humid, dry, name it and we got it." Athena said.

"Cool, so what is your planet technically classified under? Terrestrial? Desert?Water world?"

"It's probably terrestrial, we have mostly jungles and 75% of the planet is water." Athena said.

" ever been to a jungle?" Ezra asked.

"Um...other than big cities, the closest jungle I've been to is the everglades in Florida."

"What are they like?" Ezra asked.

"Um...I can't really remember it well since I was only five when I grew up in an orphanage there for a year. But I do remember this giant snake."


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