Chapter 5

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A few hours later

Athena was in the common room, coloring her left leg cast with markers Sabine had let her borrow. Athena was working on her cast when Ezra walked into the room, Athena looked up to see the blue-haired teen.

"Hey, Athena," Ezra said.

"Hey," Athena responded "You see those photos Chopper sent to everyone?"

"What photos?" Ezra asked, leaning on the wall.

"Oh, just of you helping me on my bed and me falling asleep on you, Kanan wasn't happy," Athena said, counting to color her cast.

"Seriously? How did he get photo's?" Ezra asked.

Athena shrugged her shoulders as she continued to color, "God only knows."

"What?" Ezra asked.

"Oh yeah, forgot, I never told you what religion I am, I'm a Christian," Athena said.

"What's that?" Ezra asked.

Athena looked up from her coloring, she told, "It's a very common religion on my planet that I follow."

"But, if you're gonna be a Jedi, aren't you supposed to learn the Jedi religion?" Ezra questioned.

"I'm gonna keep my beliefs, just as you keep yours," Athena said and continued to color.


"I said what I mean and I won't say it again."

"What are you coloring?" Ezra asked.

"Nothing much," Athena answered.

"Hey, when you said 'I don't 'like' anyone, not anymore', what did that mean?"

"It meant that I've learned to not get too attached to people because they can turn on you or leave you in an instant," Athena said coldly.

"Your old families, did they do that to you?" Ezra asked.

"All of them, you guys are my thirty-third family I've had so far," Athena said. "I've seen some pretty bad stuff, and I learned to never let the past control my future."

"Why do you think Kanan flipped out so bad because you fell asleep on me?"

"He's overprotective," Athena answered.

"Of me, or you?" Ezra asked.

"Probably both," Athena chuckled and continued to color her cast.

"Yeah, last night, when Kanan was talking to me, he said that it was really weird if I even though you were cute because you look like him but in girl-form," Ezra said.

"He's right, if I was sixteen years older, had brown hair and more bluish-eyes, I could pull off being his twin sister," Athena said.

Ezra chuckled, "Yeah, I guess you could, I can't believe no one saw the similarities between you two when we first found you."

"Me neither, I blame the hair color," Athena said "Trust me, I wish I had kept my brow hair because on Earth there's this stupid stereotype that all blondes are stupid. I got teased for that all the time in school, even though I had the highest grades out of everyone. I couldn't change my hair color because I didn't have money for the hair-dye, and I never had the time to dye it."

"That's stupid,just because you have a certain hair color doesn't make you stupid," Ezra said.

"Yeah, tell me about it," Athena scoffed "I wished everyday that I had kept my brown hair."

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