Chapter 20

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Everyone was now in the kitchen eating their breakfasts before they began to work on the ship so they could leave. I everything went right, that meant they'd be back with the fleet by 12:00.

Athena had already finished her meal before everyone, apparently everyone forgot that she hadn't eaten for 3 days except for a protein bar Sabine handed her yesterday. Athena actually forgot that she hadn't eaten, she wasn't used to having a meal everyday,let alone 3 times a , Zeb and Sabine were sitting next to each other in that order with Sabine closest to the door and Hera, Ezra and Rae sat next to each other in that order with Rae sitting across from Sabine. Athena was standing because she was done before Rae could even sit down.

Kanan wore a white, elastic wrap around him where Athena had kicked him over his green sweater. Athena still had a large bandage on her darkened nose to stop the bleeding along with cotton swabs.

"'d we all forget that the kid needed food for 3 days?" Zeb asked "No wonder the thing always scarfs down whatever food she gets in front of her."

"Hey, I ate yesterday." Athena pointed out, her voice nasal.

"A protein bar, honey." Hera looked at Athena "It doesn't count."

"I think it does." Athena shrugged "When I was on Earth I usually got 1 or 2 meals every 3 days."

"Why? Don't they feed you people on Earth?" Ezra asked.

"I just constantly missed meals because I was never where the food was because I was constantly outside. Sometimes, I had to use my bow and arrow to get some fish in a river when I got too hungry because I constantly missed feeding times."

"This is one of the reasons our mom gave me to the Republic and not Earth." Kanan commented.

"Hey...what's wrong with Earth?" Athena asked.

"I'd have a shorter answer if you were to had asked me 'What's not wrong with Earth?'." Kanan said.

"Hey, Earth isn't that bad." Rae said.

Kanan sighed "Never mind."

"Ok, Ezra, Athena for your punishment for losing the creds and getting in that fight, you two have to clean the entire ship." Hera said "Kanan, for your punishment for hitting your sister, you have to help them."

"Hey,she hit me too."Kanan pointed out.

"That's why she's also cleaning." Hera said.

"But...what?" Kanan asked, confused "When did we decide on their punishment?"

"I made the decision." Hera said "Athena's going to have further punishment for hitting you, but that's for another time."

"Aw" Athena moaned.

"Get used to it, kid." Sabine remarked and Hera gave her a glare "Hey, I was the one that remembered to feed her."

"Not a pet." Athena said.

"Well,pets actually remember to eat." Sabine remarked.

"Hey!" Athena complained.

"She's right." Kanan commented.

Athena crossed her arms and leaned on the wall "I don't forget to eat, I'm just not used to it."

"Yeah...sure..." Sabine joked.

"Hey" Athena complained.

"Athena, just remember to eat more often." Hera said.

"Fine." Athena sighed, not wanting to argue with Hera.

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