Chapter 6

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On the Ghost

Sabine, Ezra, Zeb, Chopper, Hera, Rae and Kanan were all sitting in the common room. Zeb and Sabine were playing Dejarik. Zeb and Ezra were sitting on the couch, Kanan and Hera were standing and Sabine was playing on the opposite side of the table.

"Go Sabine! " Chopper beaped.

"Go Zeb!" Ezra cheered.

"Someone win already!" Kanan exasperated.

"Wow, Kanan. Talk about supportive." Rae sarcastically said.

"You got no chance, kid." Zeb trash-talked.

"Yeah?" Sabine asked and one of her players moved, killing one of his players.

Zeb's jaw dropped "What?"

"Oh, thank you. I thought no one would ever make a successful move." Hera said.

"I got 2 creds on Zeb." Ezra said.

"Hey, no betting. We aren't on Earth anymore." Rae said.

"Yeah, did you're little girlfriend teach you about betting?" Zeb joked.

"Athena is not my girlfriend!" Ezra whined.

Zeb lightly punched Ezra in the shoulder "Yeah, sure."

"She's not!" Ezra whined once more.

"Ezra and Athena sitting in a tree, " Sabine, Zeb and Rae began to sing "k-i-s-s-i-n-g."

"Hold on. You kissed?" Kanan asked.

"No!" Ezra yelled "There was absolutely no kissing!"

Kanan raised an eyebrow at Ezra.

Rae, Sabine and Zeb began to sing again and Hera joined in"First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes..."

"Alright! Alright! We've embarrassed Ezra enough!" Kanan shouted over their singing.

Ezra's face was pure red. "Thanks, Kanan."

"Now, someone make a winning move already!" Rae exclaimed.


With Ahsoka and Athena

Ahsoka and Athena were walking towards the Ghost , Athena had her hair down and it was a little damp and she was in the clothes she had wore the first day she met the crew.

"What are we going to tell the crew?" Athena asked.

"First, I have a mission for them." Ahsoka said.

"Ok, I'm just not sure what to tell Kanan." Athena said.

"Of course," Ahsoka said as they walked to the door to the common room and pressed the button.

Rae and Zeb were arm wrestling on the table and the entire crew was cheering for each side.

"Go Rae!" Sabine cheered.

"Go Zeb!" Ezra cheered.

"Oh, please Ezra. You're only cheering for Zeb because Rae told about your crush." Sabine said.

Hera turned her head to see Ahsoka and Athena at the door. "Ahsoka."

The others turned to see the two and Rae used the opportunity to defeat Zeb in arm wrestling.

"Boo yah!" Rae cheered in victory.

"What?! That was cheating!" Zeb yelled.

Hera shot them a death look and they both went quiet.

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