Chapter 8

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"Truth." Ahsoka answered.

"How old did you think Athena was when you first saw her?" Kanan asked.

"I honestly thought she was like 12," Ahsoka answered and sat back down on the couch where she sat before,"Sabine, truth or dare?"

"Da-are." Sabine sang.

"I dare you to not sing for the rest of the game." Ahsoka told the Mandalorian sitting next to her.

"Oh, thank you!" Sabine sighed "Ok, Hera, truth or dare?"

"Dare." Hera responded.

"I dare you to...let me fly the Ghost." Sabine dared.

Hera got out of her seat and walked out of the room, "Nope!"

"And then there were 5." Rae commented.

"Kanan, truth or dare?" Sabine asked.

"Truth." Kanan responded.

"What is your deal that you can't handle Ezra and Athena near each other?" Sabine asked.

"I change my answer to dare." Kanan said.

"Ok, I dare you to answer that question." Sabine manipulated.

"Fine, I am just doing my job as an older brother." Kanan said "Zeb, truth or dare?"

"Truth." Zeb answered.

"Did Ezra really lick your waffle and put it back on your plate?" Kanan asked.

"Yes, yes he did." Zeb told "Rae, truth or-"

"Dare." Rae interrupted him.

"Ok, I dare you to say the funniest thing that happened to Kanan on the whole Mexico deal."

"When he had to dress up in a Mexican outfit." Rae said.


Ezra had escaped to the cockpit from the game of 'Truth or Dare.' He was sitting in the co-pilot seat and was looking at the stars when he heard a swish behind him of an opening door. He turned around to see Athena.

"Hey." Athena said "I got out of the game."

"How come?" Ezra asked Athena as she sat in the chair behind him and sat her crutch on the ground.

"I really didn't want Kanan to say 'I love you' to me." Athena explained.

"How come?"

"It's weird." Athena shrugged.

"I'll say it, Athena I-"

"Say it, and I will never talk to you again." Athena warned.

"Ok. But why is it so weird for anyone to say they love you?"

"Because, when I grew up, I didn't know anyone long enough for them to say that. For all my life, I was always on my own."

"I'm so sorry" Ezra said "I can't imagine what you went through"

"And you wouldn't want to." Athena darted her eyes away from his.

"I know what it was like to grow up on your own, but I only grew up on my own since I was 7. I couldn't imagine having to grow up since you were a baby."

"I got used to it at age 4. I just mostly went outside and ignored the rest of the world." Athena told "People on Earth, most of them don't even care about kids like me. They'd always say stuff like 'You are just wasting well paid taxes', 'You are only a mistake', 'Don't you have some other lives to ruin?' to me all the time. That's why I'm glad I found you guys."

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