Chapter 3

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It was an hour after Kanan and Rae had returned. Kanan was in his cabin and Hera sitting on the bottom bunk and Hera was applying the last bit of ointment to his hand.

"That should be good," Hera assured as she put the last bit of ointment on.

"Thanks," Kanan said, now looking over his palm.

"What was it like in Mexico?" Hera asked.

"It was pretty fun, but the car smelled and it was hot," Kanan answered as he looked up from his hand.

"I heard you and Athena argued a lot," Hera said.

"We are never listening to Earth music. Those Earthlings are nuts!" Kanan exclaimed.

Hera smiled "That bad?"

"The kids there get 'The talk' at the age of 10, minimum!" Kanan exclaimed.

Hera was shocked at that "So we don't have to explain anything to Athena? Right?"

"Exactly, but I think we probably still need to give 'The talk' to Sabine and Ezra," Kanan sighed.

"Oh, yeah," Hera remembered, not too happy about that "Do you think we can just have Athena explain?"

Kanan thought about it for a moment "No, that'd be really awkward,"

"True, but seriously? 10?" Hera asked.

"Yeah, and there are things I don't understand! It's that bad!" Kanan said. "She's had 12 boyfriends, 12 ! My little sister literally got 12 boyfriends before I got one girlfriend."

Hera gave a small smile and leaned on Kanan's side and grabbed his hand. "What do you mean?" Hera joked.

Kanan was surprised by this sudden affection and leaned his head on Hera, "I really missed you guys."

"And we missed you too, especially Ezra," Hera said "He even seems to have a small friendship with Athena."

"That's all they better have," Kanan said and let out a small chuckle.

"Oh, stop being such a overprotective brother," Hera teased.

"No, I'm being an overprotective Master, Athena would kill Ezra," Kanan joked.

Hera laughed "Why would she do that?"

"She almost killed me, her brother. Even an ex-boyfriend of hers seemed a little cautious when he was near Athena," Kanan said.

"But she is cute as heck, " Hera said and looked at Kanan "It must be hereditary."

Kanan smiled, "I guess so."

"I heard Sabine's gonna teach Athena to paint by showing her on her casts," Hera commented.

"So now we have 2 artists from violent planets?" Kanan rhetorically asked.

Hera smiled "So she's got your stubbornness, Sabine's artistics, Zeb's fighting ability, and what else?"

"I'm not stubborn," Kanan argued.

"Eh... sometimes," Hera joked.

"She's also got my smarts and your confidence," Kanan commented.

"And Ezra's habit of getting in trouble," Hera added.

"That's true, she does always manage to get in trouble somehow," Kanan smiled. "And Choppers habit of starting fights."

"So she can fight well hand-to-hand?" Hera asked.

Kanan sat back up and put his head in his hands.

"What's wrong?" Hera asked.

"I found out why she fights so well, she grew up fighting for money," Kanan sighed, head in hands.

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