Chapter 11

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After Hera gave everyone a list of supplies, they were all split into groups. Rae,Ezra and Kanan were in one group, Sabine was with Hera, and Zeb and Athena were in another group.

They were each in the local market on a planet no one even told Athena the name of. She was a little teed off, but decided that it was probably best for the protection of the group. Hera had actually told her to never mention the name of Earth because that could give away any identity she has. No one knew whether the Empire knew or didn't know about Athena. If they did, it'd be very dangerous.

"So, kid." Zeb said to Athena as they walked down the market "How'd you freeze your cabin?"

"I honestly don't know." Athena answered.

Athena had her now bleach-blonde hair in a tight french braid and she was wearing the blue shirt Sabine gave her along with the blue pants. Her eyes were starting to become green, but not by much. Her hair didn't change at all.

"You know, with that hair color, you don't look as much like Kanan like you usually do." Zeb commented.

"Um...thanks?" Athena said, confused how to respond to that. "Hey, so what's a Jo- a jog..." Athena struggled to pronounce the word on the list.

"Jogan fruit?" Zeb asked.

"Yes." Athena said "Do you know what that looks like?"

"Yes, now I see why Hera didn't let you go on your own like you wanted." said Zeb.

"Hey, I like to do things on my own." Athena commented.

Zeb stopped at a stand and Athena stopped with him and Zeb got some supplies. He paid the rodian standing behind the stand and the rodian shoved the crates over to the two. Athena was sure not to stare too much and give away the fact that she was mostly used to humans; except for Zeb, Hera and Ahsoka. She constantly had to keep looking at the ground because it was so unusual to her. 

The people, the food, the gravity, the atmosphere, the constellations...they were all different.Nothing was the same as it was on Earth.

Everything was beginning to make Athena miss home already.

"Home?"Athena thought to herself "What was your home? People that couldn't care less about you? People that just threw you away as if you were a used tissue? People-"

Athena snapped out of her train of thought once Zeb spoke.

"Okay, these are a little heavy so-" Zeb didn't finish his sentence because Athena just picked up the excruciatingly heavy crate as if it were a sack of feathers. It had to be at least 45 Kilograms (100 lbs.)

"Let's go." Athena said as she walked away with the heavy crate on her shoulder, holding it with one hand.

Zeb's jaw dropped in amazement because of the tiny human's strength. Seriously, she's shorter than Ezra! He picked up his crate and caught up with Athena. "How are you able to carry that?"

"I guess I'm stronger in this gravity. It's a little less than my home planet." Athena inferred.

"Huh. That's probably what it is."

"Hey, so why did you dare Ezra to kiss me?"

"Eh, I guess I like to embarrass him." Zeb shrugged. "Guess he was lucky with your arm being all casted up for you not to punch him."

"Yep. Man, wish I had more families like you guys back on my planet." Athena commented.

"Not many families like ours?" Zeb asked "Other than the fact we don't just have humans."

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