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"Chopper!" Hera yelled into her com as she and Sabine ran down the market towards the ship once she'd just got off the line with Zeb. "We need a pick up!"

"What? Why do I have to do everything?!" Chopper beeped.

"Shut it and meet us at the east end of the market place and pick us up!" Hera yelled.


Hera clipped the com back on her belt as she ran past scurrying civilians, all screaming at a very high volume.

"Well, atleast the wind and the clouds are starting to go away!" Sabine yelled to Hera over the crowd.

"That's good, we can't fly the Ghost in that weather!" Hera shouted.

"Let's hope Athena can handle her first time against Inquisitors!"

"I think they might be hoping to handle their first time with her!" Hera shouted back as the two came to the east end of the market and scanned the sky for any sign of the ship

"Where is he?!" Sabine shouted.

"He better get here soon!"

"Where can he be?"

"I don't know! But he should be here, we didn't land the ship that far away!"

"Well, obviously he doesn't know where the east is!"

The two looked over the sky again and saw the Ghost starting to decline out of the sky and towards the ground. The ship landed, the liftgate lowered and Sabine and Hera ran into the ship. They both went directly to the cockpit and Hera flew the ship up and towards the center of the market where the others where.

"There!" Sabine exclaimed as she pointed in the direction of Zeb,Kanan, Rae, Ezra and Athena all fighting the Imperial forces.

Ezra was deflecting fire from the Stormtroopers, Kanan and Athena were fighting the Seventh Sister and Rae was fighting the Fifth Brother while Zeb was firing from the rooftop.

"I see them," Hera said as she put the Ghost into a small decline towards the fight and began to fire at the Stormtroopers. "Specter 2 to Specter 1, you guys gotta jump, I can't land." She said into the com.

"Got it Specter 2!" Kanan shouted.

Hera shut off the com and lowered the liftgate near Zeb, he jumped in and Hera fired some more at the Imperial forces. She lowered the ship some more towards the group and Rae shoved the Fifth Brother to a wall, knocking him unconscious. She leaped onto the ship using the Force. Ezra deflected another shot back at the Stormtroopers and then leaped onto the ship, also using the Force. Kanan and Athena continued to fight the Seventh Sister.

"Specter 1 and 7, I can't keep the Ghost like this forever!" Hera yelled into the com.

"Working on it!" Athena yelled over the com.

"Hey! Give me back my com!" Kanan yelled at Athena.

"Is now the best time to be fighting?!" Athena asked.

"Seriously? Will you two stop it?!" Hera yelled into the com "I'll leave you!" she warned.

"Fine, we're coming!" Athena said into the com.

"Seriously, give me back my com!" Kanan yelled.

"You know what Kanan-" Athena started.

"Just shut it and let's go!" Kanan cut her off.

The two then pushed Seventh Sister back with the Force and jumped onto the Ghost.

"Alright, let's go." Hera said as she flew the ship away from the marketplace and directed the ship into orbit.

Family by Heart (A Star Wars Rebels fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now