Chapter 10

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After Ahsoka had finally finished her breakfast with the Ghost crew, she got up and decided to go and search for her Padawan.

"I better go find Athena, she's starting to get very good in hiding her Force signature." Ahsoka announced as she began to walk to the door.

"I'll help." Kanan offered as he got out of his seat and followed Ahsoka.

Kanan and Ahsoka walked out of the kitchen and started to comb through the Force to see where Athena was. After a moment or two, they saw that Athena was hiding her Force signature.

Ahsoka let out a sigh "This is what I've been dealing with all morning."

"You'll get used to having to find her." Kanan said.

Ahsoka looked at him "How many times did you lose her?"

"Um..only like twice." Kanan answered "Once when we had a fight, the other when she fell of Jalo's ship."

"You've only known your sister for less than a week and you lost her twice?"

Kanan shrugged "She get's that from me, I'm just glad my Master was a patient woman."

"Same." Ahsoka added "Now, where can she be?"

"Maybe if we call her name she'll come." Kanan offered.

"She's not a pet."

"I'll look on the main ship, you look in this ship." Ahsoka ordered.

"Or maybe, she can sense your Force signature and that's why she is not coming back."

Ahsoka crossed her arms "You are describing your sister as if she were a Lothcat. I just don't see why she doesn't want to learn Basic right now."

"She's kinda like a younger me, always love the action stuff, none of the learning. I know that I never liked going to my academic classes, but I was still smart."

Ahsoka sighed "You could've told me that earlier you know."

Kanan shrugged once more "How was I supposed to know?"

"Fine, I'll go on the main ship and maybe she'll come back over here. If she does, don't let her dart out again." Ahsoka said.

"She's not a Lothcat." Kanan joked, using Ahsoka's own words.

Ahsoka walked out of the room and to the main ship. Once she reached the control room, she saw Rex talking to Athena.

"Athena." Ahsoka said.

Athena turned her head to see her Master tapping her foot waiting for an answer.

"Ok, um..I'm out." Athena stated as she began to walk past Ahsoka towards the Ghost. Ahsoka used the Force to stop her in her tracks as she passed her.

"Oh, no you don't."

Athena sighed "Aw, come on! Do I have to learn right now?"

"Yes, how else are you going to figure out who sent us into that trap?"

Athena sighed again "Right now? I just got my casts off and I want to run."

"Nope." Ahsoka used the Force to twirl the young girl around to face the direction she was facing.

"Hey! That's not fair! When do I get to learn that?" Athena whined.

"Wait, she doesn't know Basic?" Rex asked.

"No, she can't read it because Earth have another way of writing." Ahsoka answered.

"But right now?" Athena whined. "Just give me the alphabet from A to Z and I can figure it out in about 2 minutes. "

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