Chapter 4

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Rae ran to the main ship where she could sense Ezra. She followed the Force signature down a hall where she saw Ezra running after Sabine who was laughing. Rae saw the two stop in the middle of the hallway. Rae caught up to them and saw them talking really quickly to a togruta.

"What's going on here?" Ahsoka asked.

Sabine and Ezra argured over each other.

"Ezra has a crush on Athena!" Sabine said as soon as Ezra took a breath.

"Sabine!" Ezra whined.

Ahsoka looked at them confused, " What's new?"

"You knew too?" Rae asked.

"Yes, Chopper told almost everyone," Ahsoka said like it was no big deal.

"Wait. So does Kanan know?" Ezra asked. "It'd be really weird if he knew I liked Athena."

There was a swish next to the four and it was a door opening. There stood Athena, a crutch under her right arm and her left arm in a sling and her left leg in a cast from a little above the knee to her ankle.

"What?" Athena asked.

Ezra lost all color in his face, "Athena, uh..uh.."

"You have a crush on me?" Athena asked.

"Hey, you look great now. You just got up?" Ezra desperately tried to change the subject.

Athena tilted her head at Ezra, "Really, stop digging when you're already in a deep hole."

"We better let you two talk," Sabine said, dragging Rae behind her. Ahsoka also walked away, leaving Ezra and Athena standing in the hall.

"Athena, um...what exactly did you hear?" Ezra asked.

"Everything," Athena answered.

"You won't kill me, right?"

"No, why?" Athena laughed.

"Okay, phew..." Ezra said, wiping sweat from his forehead. "Just, um, Rae said you are someone that can easily kill someone if they were to flirt with you."

Athena shrugged,"She is right."

"So, um, do you Kanan would like..freak out on me?"

"He might, I won't tell ," Athena with a smile.

"Oh, thank Force," Ezra said in relief "You feel alright?"

"Yeah, thanks. But I can't go anywhere unless it's an emergency," Athena said.

"That's horrible."

"Yeah, but I got my own cabin," Athena shrugged.

"That's cool," Ezra said.

"Yeah, so how long have you had a crush on me?" Athena asked.

Ezra blushed and rubbed the back of his neck, " I don't know. Do you like me back?"

"I don't 'like' anyone. Not anymore," Athena said as her eyes went to the ground.

"Anymore?" Ezra asked.

"Never mind," Athena said and slightly shook her head as she looked back up at Ezra.

There was an awkward silence.

"Well..I'm going to sleep," Athena said and walked back into her cabin.

She misplaced her crutch and the crutch slipped out from underneath her arm. She hoped on her right foot. Ezra came to her aid and put his arm around the right side of her sat Athena down on her bottom bunk and sat next to her.

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