Chapter 1

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"Oh Lizzy, you look so beautiful," Zoey gushed, crawling at my upper arm.

I managed a small smile, not managing anything else as I stared at the woman in the mirror. She was beautiful. Her skin, a natural glow and her eyes shining an aqua colour. Her makeup was fair and soft, bringing out the light in her cheeks. Her blonde curls were braided at the side before tired into a loose bun at the bottom of her head. She covered her body in a white silk robe that her friend got her as a form of a 'wedding present'. Her friend was more excited about her wedding than she was.

Like everyone, Zoey was more excited about this day than me. Nobody seemed to understand it. I wasn't just marrying someone that I may have only seen once or twice in my life. My freedom was being taken away, my life, the ability of choice. All they understood was the sense of duty and how brave I was for doing this. Yeah, like I had a choice. My future was made for me long before I had the ability to speak.

"He's just going to die when he sees you," Zoey told me, trying to make me feel better.

I was making it hard for her, I had to admit. She had the task of making me feel good about marrying a stranger and she had very poor material to work with.

"Thanks, Zo," I told her, swallowing the lump that was forming in my throat, "I don't think I could do this without you."

"Oh Honey," she giggled, pitying me, as she stood from her seat on the stool, to wrap her arms around my neck.

"Don't cry," the woman that did my hair and makeup cried, "don't ruin my masterpiece."

A sad giggle escaped my lips as I struggled to hold back the tears.

"This is your wedding day, Lizzy," Zoey reminded me as I clung to her arms, "I mean, it's not the traditional way with love and all. But that never lasts anyway."

"God, Zoey," I cried though tears refused to fall, "you're not making it any better. I'm marring someone I don't even know. I'm giving up everything."

"What? What are you giving up?" She asked me, swinging me around so that we were face to face.

"My freedom, love, you -."

"To hell you are. You can't get rid of me even if you wanted to."

"Really?" I croaked.

"Really," she laughed hugging me again.

Knock, knock

"Who is it?" Zoey yelled, annoyed that someone had ruined our moment.

"Your long suffering, Pappa," Pappa called from behind the door.

"Come in, Pappa," I sniffed, covering it with a small laugh as I pulled my robe tighter around my body.

Pappa came through, wearing the warm smile that had always comforted me in hard times and I knew it would today. His eyes shined bright when he looked at me as proudness beamed off him. He was the only reason why I was doing this. I didn't care about my safety or uniting the Uccello and the Maestri family. Only him.

"Lizzy, darling, you're the most beautiful creature I've ever seen," Pappa praised making me groan as he walked over to kiss my cheek.

"Don't lie, Pappa," I laughed, forcing a smile on my lips.

"I'm not lying, your Pappa never lies," he vowed, rubbing my cheek.

"Ain't that the truth," Zoey scoffed, behind him making me snort.

Pappa pulled back to give Zoey a look that made her bite her lips to stop from smiling. Zoey could never keep her mouth shut for long.

"Leave us, please. I wish to speak to my daughter," Pappa ordered.

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