Chapter 25

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"I don't understand, what's the panic?" I asked Patrick as he slammed the car door shut before we whizzed away.

"I don't trust Eagle's men," he said simply, making my mouth drop.

Even after everything that had happened, the men following Patrick's request and Eagle treating us with nothing but respect, he couldn't trust them.

"Are you that paranoid?" I asked, horrified.

"Yes, when you're involved everything is a threat," he snapped.

I felt my cheeks burn, as I realized what he was saying. He might have been pissed at me but he just admitted that he cared about me. And that caused my heart to flutter and me to bite my lip. Patrick just shook his head at me, trying to contain his snickers so that he remained angry.

"You were impressive today," Patrick stated, not looking at me, "I was even convinced."

I smiled, feeling like I had just won a small battle. But still, I needed his approval.

"Do you think it's stupid? Me, being involved in my father's businesses?" I asked.

"No, I think it's smart and brave. Of course, you will need to learn –."

"I already knew that," I butted in before he could finish, "But Eagle can teach me all I need to know about the casino life."

He nodded, "He can, but I prefer it if your relationship with Eagle Yeung remained about business."

"Why?" I asked.

He shrugged, "I don't like the idea of him getting close to you. He's a dangerous man –."

"Unlike Egor Volkov, your father, my own father and you," I pointed out, making him chuckle.

"Okay, okay," he snickered, "I just don't want you to see too much darkness."

I frowned at the change in his voice. He wasn't exactly afraid, more worried about what this world would do to me.

"You mean, the darkness inside of you?" I asked, my voice a breath of air.

He nodded, his eyes dropping. Very subtly, he slid his hand over the seat and to my thigh, rubbing my skirt.

Still not looking at me, he explained, "There's a light inside of you that I'm almost, envy of. I told you once that I had made sacrifices. One was my soul."

"I don't believe that," I told him, taking his hand.

He frowned, shifting close and used his second hand to caress my cheek. His eyes looked over all my features, trying to read me. My heart raced under his gaze, waiting for him to do something.

"How can you do that?" he asked, his voice a soft whisper, "How can you look inside of me, see the darkness, feel it for yourself? But you still believe that I have a soul."

"You have a heart, don't you?" I questioned.

"Not one that works," he stated.

I smiled at him, leaning forward and placing my hand to the left side of his chest. My own heart jumped when I felt his for the first time. Fast but consistent.

"It's working fine to me," I giggled, biting my lip to contain my smile.

One minute, I was looking at my hand on Patrick's chest, the next, everything was black.  Oh God, it was finally happening. Patrick's lips continued to gently tug on mine, one hand on my neck and the other tightly on my hip. In that moment, I was his willing prisoner. Soft moans escaped my lips as I felt Patrick's hand squeeze my hip, coaching me along. Sparks erupted inside of me, my body telling me to do a whole lot more than kiss him.

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