Chapter 27

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I woke to the feeling of soft kisses to my neck. The feeling alone caused small giggles to escape my lips at the ticklish feel. I couldn't contain my smile, loving the warmth that Patrick's body radiated.

"That tickles," I groaned, still half asleep.

"It's not supposed to tickle," Patrick mumbled against my neck.

"What's it supposed to do?" I asked rolling over in his grip.

He smiled, brushing my cheek with the backs of his fingers, "It's supposed to wake you up, so that I could do this –."

I yelped, caught off guard, before melting into his lips. I groaned into his mouth, lapping at his tongue. His grip around me tightened, forcing my mouth to open wider for him. When we broke apart, we didn't move very far.

All I could do was giggle, amazed by how far we had come in only a short amount of time.

"I guess that makes our marriage consummated," I giggled, making him chuckle, his eyes burning as he looked down at me.

"I guess so," he agreed, tucking my hair behind my ears.

"Are we going to tell anyone?" I asked him, drawing circles along his chest.

He shrugged, "I'm sure they'll figure it out."

I nodded, curling closer to him. I could feel his fingers, dancing along my back like little feet. It brought all of last night to the surface, reminding me of what positions we did it in, the feel of Patrick's package in my mouth, the way he squeezed my ass and bit my breasts and the sound of my name on his lips.

"Hey, how come you don't call me Lizzy?" I asked him, pulling back to see his face.

He shrugged, "I like Eliza. It suits you better."

I cringed, "no it doesn't."

He chuckled, running his nose along my neck, causing sparks to fly, "yes, it, does."

I groaned in response, feeling his hard on rubbing against my thigh. Rolling over, I retrieved a condom from the bedside table before handing it to him.

"Can't get enough, I see," Patrick growled in my ear as I heard the condom packet rip.

"I could say the same about you."

After well delivered sex and a well-deserved shower in my own room, I got dressed in another suit. It was the same style as the one that I wore yesterday but grey and went well with another white blouse. I decided to braid my hair today before adding a bit of makeup on my face to hide the little sleep I had last night. Not that I was complaining. Adding small touches like my necklace and slipping on my grey ankle-strap heels, I was good to go.

Slowly, I was beginning to get use to the strange faces around the house that guarded every entrance. I skipped into the dining room, finding everyone in the kitchen.

"There she is," Patrick announced making my pace slow with caution.

"What's going on?" I asked reading everyone's amused faces.

"Guess who just quit?" Patrick quizzed, making me frown, "Carter handed in his resignation."

"What?" I yelled, not hiding my shock, "why?"

Patrick shrugged, not willing to give me the answer.

"Because of my ideas or the fact that I'm a woman," I snapped, not meaning to take it out on him.

"The guy's a prick, I wouldn't worry about it Lizzy," Garrick reassured me.

I'll say. Though I couldn't help but feel offended. Just when I thought things were going my way.

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