Chapter 21

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I woke up alone again in a sleepy haze. There was a smile on my face as the memory of last night's activity ran through my head. I didn't feel ashamed or even embarrassed like I thought I would. Instead, I snuggled up to the cushions taking in Patrick's rich scent. I forgot about the past week's drama and only focused on what I felt last night. The pleasure that Patrick's mouth brought. And for a moment, the world was good.

After awhile, I knew I needed to get back to reality. Taking my robe, I pulled it on my body before making my way back to my room. Still in a sleepy haze, I got dressed in some shorts and a black singlet with GO GIRL! In big yellow letters across it. I put a quick brush through my hair and pulled it up into a bun, pulling out a few strands.

It had become an everyday occurrence which I enjoyed greatly. Finding the boys in the kitchen, having coffee and chatting like they weren't at work. I found Patrick amongst them, causing my cheeks to burn under his eyes. A small smile appeared on his face making my heart race at the sight. I tried to be confident, pretending that last night's activity was a weekly occurrence. To the others, I pretended like everything was normal, knowing already that I couldn't handle them knowing.

"Good morning, Lizzy," Antonio greeted today, with a big grin on his face.

I frowned not understanding why. Oh God, please tell me Patrick didn't tell them? My eyes landed on Patrick who gave me a subtle shake of his head, making my worry fade away. But not my confusion.

"What's got you all cheery?" I asked, moving over to the coffee.

"Oh nothing," he sighed, dreamily, "just the idea of you whooping Patrick's ass."

Oh, the gym. Garrick must have told him about mine and Patrick's training session.

"Ah, I don't think that's how the story went," Patrick stated, confused.

"Really? That's how I remember it," Garrick corrected, sipping his coffee.

"Me too," Alberto added.

I couldn't help but laugh, taking a sip of my coffee.

"Oh and how do you remember it?" Patrick asked me, raising a brow.

"I remember you screaming like a little girl," I made up on the spot, making the guys snicker into their mugs.

"Oh, I see," Patrick narrowed his eyes at me, turning dark and out for blood.

I couldn't help but giggle into my mug both from fear and a feeling of playfulness that I hadn't felt in a while.

"Lizzy," my eyes landed on Nickola, who was squinting at me, "what's on your neck?"

I frowned, trying to looking at it myself, "what? What is it?"

Piero gasped, "Is that a hickey?"

On instinct, I covered my neck with my hand glaring at Patrick.

He had one job!

"Oh my God, did you two hook up?" Nickola asked, sounding almost like Zoey.

"Who are you?" Patrick asked him, looking him up and down in disgust.

"Calm down, Nickola. Don't get your panties in a twist," Garrick teased.

"And no," I finally answered, "I burnt myself."

The six of them, even Patrick scoffed.

"On what?" Alberto asked, shaking his head in disappointment.

"Curling iron," I answered, almost challenging him to correct me, "you don't think these curls are natural, do you?"

He raised his brow, not exactly believing me but not willing to call me out.

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