Chapter 34

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Patrick and I lied peacefully in each other's arms not willing to drag ourselves out of bed. Everything inside of me ached. Patrick must have landed on me harder than I had thought and my arms had small bruises from where Piero had grabbed me. My feet were stiff from spending the night in heels and shoulders were sore from the cuts. Worse of all was my heart, morning over the lost of my necklace that was probably long gone.

"I was so stupid last night," I huffed, nuzzling my nose into Patrick side, "I shouldn't have made that stupid offer."

"You having second thoughts about the casino?" Patrick's confusion didn't go amiss.

I understood his confusion. I had bet everything for it and now I didn't want it. I knew it didn't make sense.

"I don't know," I sighed, running my fingers over his abs, "there were other ways I could have gone about it instead of betting it and insulting Eagle."

"Well, I'm not going to argue with you there. We really need to talk about what you do and do not bet," he squeezed me, "But he agreed to it in the end. And he respected you for it."

"He respected me for giving up my necklace not betting the casino," I corrected him with a sign.

Patrick grumbled, still not pleased that I had risked something that was so important to me. But he didn't say anything.

"What did you have anyway?" Patrick asked.

It was the question that I had been dreading. The gunfire had started before I could drop my hand and at the moment, only I knew what I had.

"Three sixes," I muttered against his chest, flicking my eyes up to his angry face.

"You bet your casino and necklace on three sixes?" He snapped in disbelief of my stupidity.

"Well, I wasn't trying too. I was bluffing, like you told me," I argued, sitting up to see his face.

"Eliza, your an opened book," he reminded me.

I remained silent, glaring at him. Thanks for the vote of confidence.

"Well, it doesn't matter now does it because I've lost them both," I snapped, rolling away from him in a sulk.

He sighed, heavily, knowing he had pissed me off. I felt the mattress dip and heard him roll over before I felt his body against my back.

"How about, you use the fire as an opportunity?" He suggested, his breath heating up my ear and waking my entire body, "I know the whole point of it was to honour your father but why don't you rebuild it in your own image. A way to, I don't know, make your way into this world."

"Patrick, I don't know a thing about casinos," I reminded him, rolling onto my back to look into his truthful eyes.

He shrugged, "I'll teach you. But, no more gambling."

I nodded, not having any arguments, "I think I've had enough poker games to last a lifetime."

He smiled, leaning down and taking my lips. I groaned, as his tongue invaded my mouth, arching my back and forcing my breasts against his chest. A growl erupted from his body as his shaft came alive between my legs.

"Roll over," I whispered against his lips, trying to sit up while still under him.

Wicked thoughts were streaming through my head, heating up my body.

Patrick flopped on his back with a cheeky smile, his arms high above his head. I climbed on top of him, taking a hold of his neck with my teeth.

"God, your wicked," Patrick hissed, cupping the backs of thighs with his hands, squeezing the white flash.

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