Chapter 33

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I was numb watching as the front of the casino burned. Red and blue lights lit up the car park, with paramedics helping the ones in need, firefighters trying to put out the blaze and police taking statements. Patrick hugged me tight, watching the building burn along with me. I hugged his jacket, tighter around me which brought me warmth and comfort.

I had no idea if everyone got out safely, I was surprised that we all did.

Well most of us anyway. Alberto pretty much had to be thrown in the back of an ambulance for the paramedics to get a look at him. It was a scrape, but it had taken a gush out of his arm that even he had to admit that it needed seeing to. It was the very reason why he couldn't lift the rubble in the first place.

"I have a contact in the police force. I'll go see what I can find out," Patrick told me, kissing my cheek before stepping towards the police cars.

"Hey," I stoped him just before he let go of my hand, "please, try and not get yourself arrested."

He smiled at me before kissing my cheek again before heading in the same direction.

"Eliza," my head turned at the sound of Eagle's voice and found not a scratch on him.

"I'm sorry about this," he apologised, surprising me by the sincerity in his voice, "this was not the plan of the evening."

I nodded, accepting his answer, "and I apologise for any offence I caused. I didn't mean to insult you."

He shook his head, "no need. I have tougher skin."

I smiled, grateful for his forgiveness.

"I will agree to your offer," he stated, almost knocking me from my feet, "you showed great courage giving up your mother's necklace and that courage should be rewarded. So, you may have your casino and fifty-percent into my deals. But, I would like fifty-percent of profit your casino makes."

I agreed. I don't know if I would regret it or not but at this moment, all I could focus on was my family.

"He's good for you as much as you are for him," he stated, sounding more like a man than a drug lord, "the Yin and the Yang. The light and the dark. Two opposites attract and complement each other, no side superior to the other. He gives you strength while you give him hope."

I couldn't help but blush, feeling proud of my relationship with Patrick.

"You will have a strong marriage, Eliza. Patrick is loyal and as you've seen, he will protect you at all costs. In return, you give him comfort, love and in time, perhaps a family."

Almost instantly, a hand went to my belly where I could one day carry his child.

"Mr Yeung," one of his security guard interrupted, "your car is waiting."

"Thank you," he said, before turning back to me, "we'll be in touch."

I nodded, before he walked away into the darkness.

"Eliza," Patrick called, taking my arm and pulling me into his embrace, "what did he want?"

"He was sealing a deal. I'll tell you later," I sighed, nuzzling my face into his chest, "what did you find out?"

"It was a car bomb," he sighed.

I pulled back, looking in his eyes. He couldn't be serious?

"It was probably a timer, we won't know right away," he told me.

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