Chapter 15

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I woke up to a different smell. It was rich and made a smile spread across my face as I snuggled up to the pillow. Everything felt different. It wasn't the flannelette sheets I was use too. They were smooth and felt like silk, like my pjs. It wasn't the only thing that felt different.

My eyes slowly opened to a different room. It was a lot bigger than my room. A lot bigger. It was different to the other rooms in the house that were filled with white. Instead it was different shades of grey. Starting with the bed. It was a king size and I was right about the silky sheets. They were white with a black cover. I was buried amongst the white, grey and black pillows and the mattress was even more comfortable than mine. Like in my room, there was a wall of windows that was covered by thick grey curtains that blocked out any light. At the end of the bed was a grey lounge that matched the bed frame and a coffee table was in front of that. Along the wall was a white floating TV cabinet that held a flat screen TV. Damn, why didn't my room have one of those? To my left was a wardrobe that was camouflage and a door that probably led to a bathroom.

Very quickly, my mind began to remember the events of yesterday and last night. Patrick took me to his brothel where I found out his men's backstories. He then took me to Egor Volkov's office where I saw the business man Patrick in action. We had a fight which ended with him revealing the real reason behind our marriage and the death of my mother. With my brain in chaos, I might have accused Oscar Maestri of only setting this marriage up for his own personal reasons. In my defence, Patrick didn't deny that he wasn't capable of something like this. The fight ended with Patrick and I being shot at, always fun, before he took me back to my bathroom. We shared an intimate moment where he walked out like nothing happened. And finally, the day ended with me spending the night in his bed. Oh my God, Zoey was going to die when I tell her this. That's if my heart didn't give out first.

My body fell back amongst the pillows, wondering how long it would take before everything went to hell today. I guess there was only one way to find out.

Groaning, I slipped out of bed and made my way to the door. When I stepped out in the hall, I suddenly realized that all I wore was my pjs and suddenly felt the need to cover myself. Damn, Patrick saw me in these last night. I wasn't even wearing a bra. I groaned again, my cheeks burning with embarrassment. What the hell had gotten into me last night?

After a quick shower, I got changed into some black shorts and a loose shirt that hung off my right shoulder. The last touch was my neckless that was never truly far away from my grip. I let my hair dry naturally knowing that it would look relatively okay once my curls had a bit more bounce.

Taking in a deep breath, I tried to prepare myself for today.

I froze when I got to the stairs, it wasn't the smashed up study doors or even the glass that still seemed to be everywhere. It was the people. They were pacing and talking in the void like little ants not paying much attention to me. I felt violated, having so many strangers in my home.

When I spied Garrick, speaking with two other men, I ran down the stairs to meet him.

"Garrick! Garrick!" I called, running across the void.

He turned around and spied me before saying something to the guys to make them go away.

"Hey," he said lightly, like he didn't even notice everyone buzzing around him, "How are you feeling?"

"Fine," I said, not feeling it, "Who are all these people?"

Looking around him, he answered, "Some are cleaners. The bullets really messed up the study. They're putting in new glass for the doors."

"That's great," I said, not meaning it, "What about the others?"

"Patrick's security."

My eyes widened at his answer. Patrick had a lot of security.

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