Chapter 32

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As Zoey did my hair, I got a sense of déjà vu. It like I was back at the very beginning, sitting in my bedroom, sharing at the girl in the mirror.

She was still beautiful and her skin still had that natural glow. But she was no longer the small, scared little princess, about to marry a stranger. She was a queen, that was growing stronger by every minute and stood by her king.

My eyes were painted with glittery, brown that gave an earthy look to my face. My lips were a lighter shade and my cheeks looked soft under the powder. Zoey had truly missed her calling to become a hair dresser. My hair was pulled to the side and held by a flowery, diamond pin before it curled over my shoulders. Diamond earrings hung from my ears, almost displaying the wealth that Patrick and I shared. Piero had spoken about looking the part. Well, I sure looked it now.

"Eagle will be very impressed," I stated, more to myself, as I looked at the queen in the mirror.

"Stuff Eagle. Patrick's going to have a heart attack," Zoey gushed, fixing up a few strands here and there, "Are you ready for the dress?"

I nodded, my heart leaping with excitement. I trusted Zoey with my life but I trusted her with my wardrobe more. 

I stood from my stool and walked over to the wardrobe door where the dress bag hung. She unzipped it for me, revealing the white formal dress. A gasp escaped my lips as I looked upon it, amazed that Zoey could find one this good in a day.

"Your amazing Zoey," I praised in astonishment.

"I know," she shrugged, like it was nothing.

I giggled, running my hands over the soft chiffon.

"Stop looking at it and try it on," Zoey ordered, taking the dress from the bag and shoving it into my hands, "If you don't get dressed now, you'll be late."

I nodded, not hiding my nervous smile as Zoey skipped out of the room. Okay, Lizzy, just breathe, I told myself, be the queen.

The dress was beautiful. It was strapless but supported my breasts, even plumping them up a bit. Down the left side were silver beads in a decorative flowery pattern. Starting from my upper thigh was a slit in the dress adding a bit of sex appeal that I bet Zoey just couldn't resist. Strapped, silver heels dressed my feet, giving me height that would make Patrick and I almost level. I couldn't pretend that wasn't important for me. If Patrick wanted to dress me up and build me into his queen, then we had to be at least sitting on the same level.

"Lizzy!" Zoey groaned on the other side of the door, "Are you dressed yet or what?"

"You can come in," I laughed, watching as the door bursted opened.

"Oh," she awed, cupping her hand over her mouth, "You look so beautiful. God, I should be in fashion or something."

I giggled, blushing under her eyes.

"Please, stay tonight," I begged, taking her arms.

"Sure, baby. But I can't stay. Some people have to work in the morning," she reminded me, tapping my nose before taking my hand, "Now, come on. Patrick's waiting."

The very thought caused my heart to leap into my throat. God, what will Patrick say when he sees me?

I froze at the top of the stair case, finding the boys at the bottom. Alberto and Piero were the only ones in tuxedos. And of course Patrick. God, he did look good in a tux. His hair was combed and he had kept the stubbles on his chin. He looked the same from that day in the church, but something was different. There was a smile on his lips and a hint of light in his eyes.
Taking in a deep breath, I started my descent. The boys heard the clicking of my heels on the tiled steps.

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