Chapter 41

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"Get the hell away from my wife," Patrick growled, anger consuming his whole body.

It was that word again. It had always been dressed in irony or mockery every time he had spoken it.

It wasn't this time. It was filled with love, care and anger towards Sebastian.

I heard his zipper go up before I felt his hot hand skim across the side of my neck.


I shivered when I felt the familiar shape of the barrel of the gun pressing the side of my head. My stomach stirred with fear as a bead of sweat trailed down my cheek.

"Drop the gun," Sebastian ordered.

"Get away from her -!"

"Drop, the, gun!" Sebastian shouted this time, "or this bullet goes in her."

Patrick was still, the gun still in his grip and holding Sebastian's gaze. All I could do was close my eyes and pray that it would be ended quickly with no pain.

The sound of plastic on cement got my attention causing my eyes to flick open. Patrick no longer had the gun but instead held his hands up in surrender.

"Pat him down," Sebastian ordered as he removed the gun from my head.

A sigh of relief escaped my lungs though I was far from out of the woods. Tugging on my arms, Sebastian pulled me from the table, my body aching in protest.
I couldn't take my eyes off Patrick as he got a pat down from one of Sebastian's men that wasn't there before. Patrick's eyes flicked over my body, trying to assess my wounds from his spot.

"Move," Drago ordered, pushing me back around to my seat.

He shoved me into it causing my wounds to burn in pain.

"All right, all right," Patrick groaned as he was pushed into the seat next to me.

I opened my mouth to speak but Patrick's hand stopped me. It was just the simple touch to the corner of my head. I hissed, but felt comforted anyway.

"You said you wouldn't hurt her," Patrick growled, glaring at Sebastian who took a seat in front of us.

"You told me not to touch a single hair on her head. Her hair is fine," he corrected wining death stares from both of us.

"Nice set up you've got here, Drago," Patrick spat, "control of the docks, alliances with old buddies, companies from other countries. No one would have even noticed you were in town."

"They didn't, as I seem to remember," he corrected, leaning forward on the table, "I must congratulate you too. Your a better gangster than your father. That wasn't very nice of you to kill off my mercenaries like that."

"It wasn't very nice of you to destroy my study -."

"Or kill our parents," I buttered in, not recognising my cold voice.

There was silence as the thought weighed on both of us. This man was the maker of our misery.

My whole body went numb at Patrick soft touch. If only we could stay like this forever. Forget about Drago and just sit with our arms wrapped around us other.

"So, are we going to do this or what?" Patrick asked, waking me from my thoughts.

What did he just say? He should be trying to convince Drago not to kill us not reminding him of it.

"There's still a lot of catching up to do," Sebastian told him, making him scoff, "this is a reunion. The Uccellos, Maestris and Dragos back together again."

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