Chapter 7

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Nickola was right. I needed sleep. From the minute my head hit the pillow, I was out. And for a while, I wasn't here. I had nothing to prove, no standards to meet, no one that really needed me.

The second morning was a little bit easier to wake up too. I wasn't as blind as I was yesterday. I now knew the house, I knew the people and most importantly, I knew my husband.

I was nowhere near working him out but I knew a few things. He was arrogant and he obviously didn't like me very much. But it was time to fight fire with fire. If Patrick didn't want me around, then fine. I didn't mind finding a replacement.

With that thought in mind, I found the will to hop out of bed. I didn't feel like getting changed and I kind of hoped I could use it to my advantage. Snatching my white robe, I pulled it on before moving over to the curtains and opening them. I knew that opening up the curtains and looking out at the view would always be the highlight of my day.

Before I took off down stairs, I looked sat myself in the mirror. My hair wasn't too bad, considering and I just needed to fix up my eyebrows a little. After that, I was good enough to be seen.

I was surprised to find, Patrick and the whole lot of his men were in the kitchen. They weren't exactly joking around, but they weren't doing business. Actually they just looked like a group of brothers having a coffee. Pulling my robe tighter, I regrated my decision not to get dressed. Looking back at the door, I knew I still had time to change my mind.

Nope, nope. I had made up my mind.

Taking in a deep breath, I held my head high like a queen. I wanted coffee and I was going to get it.

"Morning," I greeted, cutting through the little boy club and beelining for the coffee.

Antonio and Alberto jumped closer to the bench as if I had a disease and Garrick and Patrick both took a gulp from their coffee. I heard Piero cough awkwardly, trying to cover whatever conversation they were talking about. Nickola was the only one that seemed happy to see me.

Turning around, I eyed every single one of them, drinking my coffee.

I groaned, loving the taste, "Good coffee."

There were a few snickers here and there as the five of them all turned their gazes to Patrick, almost challenging him to respond. He didn't, instead continued to sip his coffee.

"How did you sleep, Lizzy?" Garrick asked, turning their eyes to me.

"Brilliantly," I smiled, "my bed's really comfortable."

Antonio snorted into his mug, winning a glare from Patrick. If I didn't know him any better, I'd say he was jealous.

"Antonio, Alberto, didn't you have something to see to. Concerning tonight," Patrick growled, every single word having a hidden meaning.

The two of them jumped into action, putting their mugs down and pacing back towards the void. I smiled when I saw Alberto hit his brother, clearly angry that he had laughed.

Patrick coughed, turning his body so that his back now faced his men.

"Piero, Nickola, I'm sure there's another place where you can be?"

My mouth dropped. Rude. The strangest thing was that they took it and listened to him.

I waited for him to snap at Garrick but all he needed to do was give him a look and Garrick got the picture. And so did I. I placed my mug down and prepared to fight.
Once Garrick was safely past that dining room door, Patrick turned to me with that cold look that seemed to be growing on me.

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