Chapter 28

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We waited long after dark. When the boys were already making their way up stairs and Mrs Philips had left hours ago. All that was left was one security guard by the front door which Patrick told to leave in the end.

My body already felt relaxed at the smell of chlorine and the sight of the shining stars in the black sky. I placed our towels down on one of the arm chairs before Patrick handed me two wine glasses and a bottle of red wine.

"How about, you get into the tub and I'll start the fire," Patrick whispered in my ear, placing a kiss on my jaw bone.

I couldn't help but giggle, feeling flushed at the very idea. Getting to know Patrick Maestri, who knew that could make someone nervous.

Chuckling at me, Patrick took my hand and led me around the pool's edge. The water reflected on to the stones as we made our way around it. We split up, Patrick going for the fire place as I headed to the stone spa. I placed the glasses and wine down before placing my foot in the water. A moan escaped my lips at the touch of the nice cool water. I knew that Patrick was watching my every step, admiring my body in my white bikini, but I couldn't begin to care.

"So, how do I turn this thing on?" I asked, sitting down on the stone edge.

"The button," he told me, kneeling down with matches in his hands.

I turned my head and spotted the setting panel.

"Found it," I told him, standing and walking around to it, pushing through the water.

The setting penal was pretty simple. There was an on/off button, arrows pointing up and down and a heat setting. Clicking a couple, I got it to the perfect heat and bubble setting. I lowered myself into the water, groaning. God, I was in a vibrator.

"You look comfortable," Patrick chuckled, climbing in next to me.

"Shh," I hushed him, "Don't break my mood."

"Okay," he laughed.

I felt the water move before Patrick's slippery, wet hand cupped my shoulder massaging the muscle. Groaning, I let my head drop, getting caught up in the moment.

"No, no," I said snapping out of it, "I want to get to know you. Not get distracted."

Patrick groaned, but nodded, "Okay, how do you want to do this?"

"We'll start off small," I told him, "then we will get into the deep embarrassing stuff."

He snorted, but still he looked so uneasy.

I frowned, not use to this side of him, "You look like you've never done this before."

"I haven't," he admitted, shrugging, "I've never knew anyone that – anyway, it's something that you want to do."

I smiled, glad that he was at least willing to try this. Turning on my side, I decided it was time to start.

"Okay, what's your favourite colour?" I asked.

Patrick snorted, shaking his head, "all the questions in the world and you start with, what's your favourite colour?"

I shrugged, "I promised you small."

"Okay," he chuckled, "Black."

"Black? Really?"

"Yeah, I mean, it goes with everything," he argued.

"You mean your skin-tight dress and slip back heels that are in your wardrobe," I teased.

He narrowed his head, pinching my chin, "that's your skin-tight dress and slip back heels."

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