Chapter 40

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The three of us curled up on the cold cement floor, trying to stay warm. It was nearly impossible. I was numb but I don't think it was from the cold.

I was going to die tonight and the last thing I said to Patrick was his name. And the last thing he said to me was, don't touch a single hair on her head. I knew I shouldn't be upset. He couldn't say it in our own home, in our room, when we were alone. How could he say it in front of a man that was trying to weaken him by stealing his weakness?

"If we survive this, I'm going to take you to dinner," Nickola murmured, now leaning closer to Zoey than me.

"Hey, if we survive this, I might even say yes," she teased, nuzzling against his chest.

I smiled at them, envious that they could see the future. I couldn't. All I saw was a dark hole that nothing could fill.

Light escaped through the crack in the door as it opened. My heart started to pound as hope filled my body. Was it Patrick coming to save me? Save us.

It wasn't. It was Philip.

"Get up," he ordered, blocking out the rest of the light with his huge body.

I moved slightly, feeling Nickola's grip tighten instantly.

"It's okay, Nickola," I tried to reassure him.

His grip didn't loosen.

"Don't go, Lizzy," Zoey begged me.

They were both too tired to really fight.

"Come on," Philip groaned before I felt hands snatch my arms.

"No, Lizzy!" Zoey and Nickola yelled in unison.

I went willingly, not wanting them to relitate and hurt Nickola and Zoey. Not that Philip was very nice about it. My feet barely supported me but instead, were dragged along the rocky cement floor. I winced as each tiny rock cut my skin, making my feet burn in pain.

"Let go of me," I growled, shaking my shoulders, "I'll come willingly."

Snickers erupted all around me before I realized we weren't alone. The other three guys from before were now with us but Drago was no where to be seen.

"I bet she comes willingly," the youngest one joked with a sick little smirk on his face.

"I wonder how fast it takes," another one said, looking me up and down.

My heart started to pound as my cheeks heated in embarrassment at what they were talking about. How could men say such things to a woman they know was married?

"I'll have her screaming for the heavens in no time, what do you say?" Philip purred against my neck.

I cringed, trying to pull away.

"Come on, share her around," one groaned before I was pushed.

Arms came around my waste as the smell of sweat filled my nose. They were worst than chains. One crossed my entire body, from under my arm, to my hip and across to my thigh.

"God, doesn't she smell great?" He growled against my cheek, "I bet Maestri can get off just by smelling her."

Tears started to fill my eyes from the suffocating looks. How could people do this for a living? Be the idol of wet dreams for every man in the city.

"Maybe if she took some of those layers off," another one snickered.

"Yeah, darling. How about you take that jacket off?" The one that had me asked, opening it up for himself.

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