Chapter 20

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Once we both decided it was time for bed, I hurried back to my room. My stomach was stirring in my body and my heart was pounding like crazy. God, why was I so nervous? I wasn't nervous last time.

Just sleep, I reminded myself, just sleep.

Opening up my wardrobe, I pulled open my pj draw. I froze when I realized my dilemma. What happened to all my conservative pyjamas, like my guy t-shirts? Zoey. She said she added things to my wardrobe. Oh God, she was so dead.

I picked up a black nighty that was completely see through and almost died at the sight. Throwing it back, I found another three before I rested on a lime silk one. It stopped a quarter down my thigh with a slit on one side causing me to wear its matching lime, lace thong. Along the top of it was also lace, shaping out my breasts that were already pressing against the material. Oh yeah, Zoey was so dead.

Knowing I couldn't go out like this, I took my robe and tied it as tight as I could. I checked my hair, found it looked okay out and curly before making my way into the hall. I searched for the double doors and found them where I did two nights ago.

Not losing my nerve, I knocked.

"Come in," Patrick's rich voice echoed through.

Finding the courage, I opened the door and walked through. My eyes were glued to Patrick as he stood, in only black sweat pants, side on to me. I was surprised to find a small smile on his face, knowing that it wasn't a common look on him. I liked it.

"I didn't think you would come," he admitted, turning his body to face me.

My eyes automatically wondered down his torso, my body aching for his abs.

Focus Lizzy, I growled at myself.

I shrugged, covering my lust for him, "I said that I would and I'm a man of my word."

"Anything but a man," he said, causing the air to jump into my throat.

I couldn't help but blush under his deep stare, trying to keep eye-connect. We fell into silence that made the air thick. I didn't know if it was because of his deep stare or his abs, but the room was getting hot.

"Bed?" Patrick asked, gesturing towards the bed.

I nodded, glad for the opportunity to do something. Turning my body and avoiding looking at Patrick, I untied my robe. His movement stopped as I through my robe down on the end of the bed.

"What?" I asked, noticing his wondering eyes.

I had never felt so exposed under someone's eyes before. It caused my cheeks to burn and hide under my head of hair. There was a creek from the floorboards under the carpet. The familiar touch of his fingers on my cheek, caused me to flinch and my eyes to meet his. When did he get so close?

My stomach fluttered at his dark eyes that were glued to my lips.

"Are you embarrassed?" he asked, his voice thick.

I swallowed, "A little."

"Are you nervous?"

I bit my lip and nodded.

"Don't be," he told me, as if I had a choice, "You are...beautiful."

He had me. His finger moved down to my chin causing the hairs on the back of my neck to stand on end. My eyes focused on his collarbone, knowing I couldn't take his stare. I couldn't concentrate, feeling his hand on my hip, the heat from him burning through the thin material.

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