Chapter 26

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After ten minutes, we regained consciousness and our ability to breathe and speak. Groaning, Patrick took his weight off me, going onto all fours. He took a hold of himself and slowly starting pulling out. A small moan escaped my lips, feeling a small pain before falling back on the bed. Once he was out, he scooted down to the end of the bed sitting on the edge.

I watched as he pulled off the condom and tied the end before standing and walking over to the bin that sat by the TV cabinet. My heart jumped into my throat when he turned and looked at me. My eyes followed down his beautiful body feeling my insides stir at the sight. The burning lust in his own eyes told me he was thinking the same thing. I saw him swallow as he slowly made his way back to me.

He knelt beside me, pulling me to a seated position and latching onto my lips.

"That was..." Patrick trailed off.

"Fricking amazing," I finished for him, causing him to chuckle.

"Okay," he chortled, tucking my hair behind my ears, returning to Serious Patrick, "I like your use of words."

He kissed my cheek before delivering one on my neck. I sighed, loudly, leaning against his body for support. God, I wanted him again.

Patrick had uncovered a part of me that I didn't realize was there. It brought to the surface hidden desires. Things I wanted to try. Things I needed to try.

"Can I try something?" I asked him, his lips stopping.

"Like what?" He mumbled in my ear, lighting a fire inside of me.


God, I couldn't even say it.

"You can tell me," he growled against my lips, "I'm opened to ideas."

I snickered under my breath, trying to gain the courage to ask him.

"Well, you're going to need a...tie," I told him.

He pulled back, shocked. I bit my lip, my cheek burning from my confession.

"Who knew?" He muttered, rubbing my cheek, "who knew you had a kinky side?"

I couldn't help but giggle at his response, relieved that he wasn't weirded out by it. To be fair, this was new to me too. But I willing to try if he was. He scooted off the bed and went straight to his wardrobe. I sat patiently, trying to work out how I was going to do this.

"Have you done anything like this before?" Patrick asked, returning to the bed with a black tie.

I shook my head before frowning, "have you?"

His mouth dropped, not sure how to answer, "I've never been tired up."

I nodded, accepting it. He had a life before he met me. To be honest, I was glad that he had the experience.

"Are you okay with that?" He asked me, concerned.

I nodded, "yeah, I mean of course you've been with other women. I never expected you to save yourself for me."

He smiled, thankful for my understanding.

Shifting closer to him, I placed my hand to his chest, "I want to tie you up."

His brow raised as he struggled to contain his smirk. It had a clear effect on him, turning him semi-hard. He leaned in closer, and whispered just inches from my lips, "I would love that."

My heart jumped into my throat at his confession as I began to feel nervous. I decided to go with my instincts.

There was nothing that I could really tie him to considering there was no bedhead. So, taking his arms, I raised them above his head. I heard him groaned before I felt his head between my breasts, not realizing that I had put them directly in his face. Not that he seemed to mind. I wrapped his wrists in the tie, tying a knot and testing it to see if it would hold. With him still in a seated position, I slid into his lap. His erection grazed my folds in the process causing me to drop my head and groan. I couldn't do what I wanted if Patrick was distracting me. This was about him going out of his mind.

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