Chapter 38

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"Do we really have to do this?" I asked Patrick as I pulled on my pantie hose.

"I thought we've gone over this!" Patrick yelled from the bathroom, "we're an easier target -."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, easier target for Drago, I know," I huffed, making sure that my stockings were going to stay put, "I'm just annoyed that I have to move again."

"It's not forever," Patrick reassured me, coming out of the bathroom, "just for a few weeks."

I nodded, still not liking the decision. The plan was simple. I was to pack for the next hour before Paige would come and pick me up. She would take me to the safe house along with Nickola. Mrs Philips would soon follow and than Patrick three days later.

It was only than that I noticed Patrick's lust-filled eyes looking me up and down.

"Oh no you don't," I laughed, standing and aiming to escape, "Paige is coming in an hour and I still have to pack."

I paced into the wardrobe, hoping to stop his arousal. I found my black skirt and quickly pulled it on.
"I'm only human," he moaned, leaning against the door frame, "you can't put on a show and not expect people to applaud."

I snorted, but continued to get dressed. The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end as the floorboards creaked under his weight. Slowly, he came closer and closer. An arm came around me, locking me to his solid build.

"Now," he breathed against my neck, causing me to melt against his still bare chest, "I'm trusting you to be on your best behaviour. It's only going to be you and Nickola alone in a big house. Don't be getting any ideas. Remember your vows."

I giggled, loving his jealousy. I would be lying if I said it didn't feel good.

"Remember yours," I reminded him, bumping against him, "if I find out that you had Piero in my bed, I'll have both your balls."

He fell into chuckles, tickling my neck. I don't think he's ever laughed that much in, well, his life.

"When did you get so cheeky?" He growled against my neck.

I bit in my lip, forcing back my laughter as shocks ran along my shoulder.

"I've always been cheeky," I admitted, looking at the floor and focusing on his smooth cheek against my bare skin.

I had been drugged. A cloud had come over me and all reason and logical went out the window. I forgot about everything and allowed myself to be consumed by his smell, his feel, his -

"Patrick," I moaned, trying to break from his grip, "I have to get dressed, and pack and -."

"I know, I know," he sighed, letting me go.

I took the opportunity to pull on my white blouse and pass Patrick a shirt. He took it in a huff, annoyed that he couldn't get what he wanted. I then took my black jacket and completed the look with my heels.

I was anxious and it had nothing to do with Sebastian Drago. I was going to be alone in a car with Paige. I knew she was our ally, but she was the queen of her own empire. She had the respect of all the men in this business and scared me just as much. She was all the side of Patrick that I hated.

Sighing, I shook my uneasiness away and lifted my head to see what was on the top self. In the corner, I spied a suitcase and stretched to reach. I struggled to touch the corner before I felt a body behind me. An arm came into view before taking the suitcase in an easy grasp.

"Sometimes, you should let me help you," he told me, pulling it from the shelf.

"I should say the same about you," I huffed, taking the suitcase for myself and pacing back into the bedroom.

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