Chapter 17

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I didn't sleep a wink last night. My mind wouldn't shut up and my heart wouldn't stop aching. I couldn't get Patrick's face out of my head. His sad eyes as he realized that I saw him as nothing but a murderer.

And if you can't handle that. Then I guess you won't be spending the night in my bed again.

It wasn't just that, I guess. He actually wanted me to spend more nights in his bed? When I had spent the night, I thought it was a onetime thing. I mean, I knew that it would probably happen again, but that would be after dinner and a few drinks. I wasn't slipping again.

My eyes flicked opened when something burned between my legs. What the hell was wrong with me? I was calling him a murderer no more than eleven hours ago and now I was turned on just thinking about him. God, I needed therapy.

With that thought in my head, I found the energy to get out of bed and into the shower. I wished I didn't look in the mirror. The bags under my eyes had doubled and darkened and my hair was a mattered mess. Thank god I was alone.

After my shower, I put a touch of makeup on to cover my flaws. I was refusing to leave the house today, so I dressed into some leggings and the off the shoulder loose shirt that I was going to wear yesterday. My stomach was craving food and my body begging for the sweet taste of coffee.

I had almost forgotten about our guests until I reached the void and spied the security guards. One by the front door, one by the back, two out the front. You would think we were keeping someone prisoner here. I froze at the thought. I really hope we weren't, anyway.

My heart jumped into my throat when I found Patrick amongst them all. His was the only face that my eyes found, his eyes looking straight at me. Crap, he already had me.

"Morning," I greeted sounding half asleep.

"Morning," the boys chuckled, like there was an inside joke.

"How did you sleep?" Patrick asked, half in his mug, his eyes digging into me like punishment for not spending the night with him.

"Just fine," I glared at him, pouring myself a cup of coffee, "Yourself?"

"Great. My bed's really comfortable."

My mouth dropped. I was lucky that I didn't drop the kettle. The guys chuckled, clearly remembering the morning when I claimed that my bed was comfortable as well. Snickering, I pretended like it didn't affect me in anyway.

"Mmm, I agree. Sleeping alone and naked is just the best."

The sound of six grown men choking was like music to my ears. I couldn't hide my smile and the sight of their red cheeks. God, sometimes being a woman was so easy.

"Wouldn't you agree, Garrick?" I questioned, tilting my head and battering my eyelids.

"I really couldn't say," he choked, wiping the coffee from his chin.

There were a few more snickers at Garrick's expense before we fell into silence. I followed the look from Patrick's eyes to Garrick, trying to figure out what he was trying to say. Clearing his throat, Garrick placed his mug down.

"Come on you four," Garrick groaned, "There's something I need to show you."

And with that, they left leaving Patrick and I alone. I sighed, seeing this coming. I guess we had to speak about our fight some time.

"Eliza, I just wanted to apologise for my actions last night. I was not myself," He started.

I turned around, prepared to fight, "I know, Antonio warned me before I went up there."

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