Chapter 19

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After ten minutes, I found the energy to get up and stumble back to my room. I was covered in sweat and in desperate need of a shower. Putting on some music, my ability to think went out the window as I stripped and got into the shower.

Patrick was going to kiss me. Why did that thought make my heart flutter and my stomach stir at the same time? I wanted him to kiss me. I was waiting for it. Why was my mind so cut off to my heart?

I knew who he was and that wasn't a good person. But somethings he did, I just couldn't stop thinking about it.

Perhaps it was because I hadn't been with a man in five months. When Pappa and Oscar started planning my wedding, boys were off limits. I needed to start preparing for being Mrs Patrick Maestri. I was surprised that I was allowed to see guys in the first place. Pappa did lose his mind when he found out that his little girl wasn't a virgin anymore and he always threatened to kill any boyfriend I had. But I had never been not permitted to see anybody. Especially when I had a friend like Zoey.

Turning off the tap, I stumbled out of the shower feeling my muscles already starting to ache after today's activity. Now, I remembered why I stopped excising. I got redressed into my old clothes before heading down stairs.

I figured that Patrick and Harald were in his study so I knew the kitchen was a safe spot. I had no plans in speaking to the person that sided with the man that killed my mother. How Patrick could let him in the house, I would never know?

I smiled when I found Mrs Philips in the kitchen, already cooking dinner. Moans escaped my lips at the delicious smell, my stomach grumbling.

"Mmm, what smells so good?" I groaned, coming up behind her.
She smiled at me, continuing to stir a pan of sauce while watching some sausages.

"How do you like sausages with some vegetables?" She asked.

"Love them," I moaned making her laugh.

"Good, Patrick will probably be with Mr Balboni so it's just you and the boys," she stated, making me frown.

He was seriously going to be with Harald that long. I thought he wanted me to - why am I disappointed? This way I don't have to sleep with him tonight.

"Is Balboni here a lot?" I questioned, taking a seat.

"Not often, only in certain circumstances," she answered.

"Like finding the person that hired the shooter," I guessed, knowing the answer.

She hummed a yes, not sounding pleased.

"Have you met Balboni?" I asked, hoping she wouldn't stop answering my questions.

I wanted to know if I could trust him. I was surprise to find that it wasn't for my own safety. It was for Patrick's. I didn't want Patrick being betrayed or put into arms way for something that started years ago.

"No more than asking him what he would like to drink," she stated, "but I know Old Maestri didn't like him."

"Didn't like him or didn't trust him?" I wanted clarified.

"Well, I guess both. In the Mafia world, no one really trusts anyone. Patrick doesn't even trust his own father."

"Really?" I cried, my eyes widened.

Mrs Philips froze, avoiding my eyes. She coughed trying to change the subject.

"I think this sauce is almost ready," she stated, moving over to the sink.

I refused to let her get away.

"Patrick really doesn't trust his father?" I questioned, "I mean, I understand. I couldn't trust Oscar. But he's his father."

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