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MaryKay P.O.V.
"I gotta tell you something Kay." Trevor walked in as I was scrolling away on my phone. I sat up and look at him. "Sure. What's wrong?" I asked seeing he looked sad. "Remember I had to hurry and pick what college I wanted to go to....and today's the deadline. Well I picked Lsu" He told me. "That's a little far." I pouted a little. "Well see that's the thing Virginia and Louisiana are far and you know when I'm in college our relationship is going to be hard to maintain." He told me. I felt my face heat and my heart soften my eyes started to tear up slowly. "Y-you not saying what I think you are? Are you?" I looked at him confused. "I leave tonight I don't wanna break your heart with us being apart and you know that's gone be hard if we're together. So we gotta break up." He stood up from my bed. I grabbed his arm.

"Wait no-no, you kidding? You playing with me right? I can't believe this! 2 years! Going on 3!" I cried. "Stop man don't do this." He told me. I let go and crawled in a ball in my bed. "You too young to stress about me. Your 16 you still in highschool. I'm growing out and got to leave." He told me. I shook my head. "Just get out!" I told him. "All the fun! The love! The time! It didn't mean shit we could've made this work! I think you just wanna leave me." I cried and sunk into my bed. "Listen you know I didn't. But it can give you time you can go ahead and figure out what you want to be and find other people. I would've just held you back. But if you want to stay over my house tonight the doors open and I leave at 8 tomorrow." He kissed my cheek and left. I shook my head. Out of all colleges he picked LSU my dream college. I scoffed and sunk into sleep.

Trevor P.O.V.
"Don't worry she'll come baby." My mom tried to cheer me up. I shook my head no. "I really hurt her ma. She didn't expect this but I didn't wanna hurt her so I had to let her go. She doesn't deserve this or me." I shook my head. "Well you picked her dream college so in the next two years yall will be together." She mentioned. I rolled my eyes. "Yea if she isn't swept up by some other guy." I just couldn't believe I went through with this. "Well there's no time to dwell on it nothings gonna change. What's done is done." She told me. I nodded knowing she was right. I had many scholarships for football but I chose that one because that was the smartest career choice and I was hoping we would be together after this short break. But it would feel like forever with out her. Time went by. I packed, cleaned, waited, tried to wait until I gave up. I just went to sleep and hoped I'd wake up with her in my bed.

The Next Morning.....
MaryKay P.O.V.
It was too late even if I had wanted to catch him I couldn't. It was 11 o'clock. "That boy stopped by." My dad walked in. "What?" I asked. "Yea he was devastated that you ain't see him before he left but he said he hopes you the best and sent this letter." He handed me a envelope. I didn't open it I just went and got dressed to start the day but I couldn't. I ended up just putting my hair in a messy bun and wearing sweats. I hope he has the best college experience. I can't put myself through wondering about him it will only make things worse. He thought he was doing what's best for me but I was just gonna hurt more wondering of him. I wonder had I came last night would things turn out differently. Maybe they would have. Maybe they would've stayed the same.

Trevor P.O.V.
The train had drove off 3 hours ago. I couldn't fly there because I was afraid of planes not heights just planes and I didn't drive cause I might've just turned the car around. But this would be a good clean start for me. Discover new people, make new friends, learn more about myself. Maybe then when or if I get another chance with MaryKay I can be sure I'm the right guy for her and be prepared to be hers fully and a man she tends to marry. She not seeing it that way though she see's it as me leaving her for good. I drifted asleep lost in my thoughts.

(Laughs) "I missed you where were you?" She smiled brightly. "MaryKay?" I asked myself. She just deepened her smile. "Come so I can show you how much I missed you." She licked her lips before dragging her figure in a come here motion. I walked forward to her. She laughed before walking through me and I was confused and turned around to see her kissing some other guy. "I love you." She moaned. I shook my head. "No, no, no." I weakened to my knees before holding my head in my hands.

I woke up sweaty and looked around seeing I was still on the train I just had been dreaming thank good. Just as fast they said we had made it there. I stretched out before grabbing my bags. I caught a Uber and drove to campus. I got out and went to the registration office. I got my papers and Dorm number. I spotted guys in purple lsu football varisty jackets playing football. I walked in and it was more guys in. "Yo you Trevor?" A light dude wit dreads asked. I nodded.

"Oh that's Wassup all the football players stay in the north dorms you know so we stay together and shit. You room wit me." He told me before we moved from the lobby and went up the elevator onto the 3rd floor and room 365. He opened the door to a spaced out apartment. It had two rooms with bathrooms and a bathroom in the living room. "Alright now my rules is don't go in my shit, you can have my bitches but not my girls, and don't interrupt me when im fucking." He laughed before dapping me up.

"Yo we having a welcome party tonight you should come through you know. Girls live in these buildings too." He smirked. I had knew that living here without cheating on MaryKay would be hard because it was housing for boys and girls even though they didn't share rooms we still lived in the building together. I shook my head. "Nawl man just had to break up wit my girl Ian really in the party spirit yet." I chuckled. "Yea I know the feeling before I came here had to break up wit my girl but she cheated on me not cause I was coming here. Well I'm a Sophomore now and ready to just enjoy college before I get into the real world." He shook his head. "Damn well cool Imma get settle then." I said before going to my room.

A couple hours later.....
Fake love played through the speakers as a girl grinded into me and I sipped on the alcohol in my cup. I hadn't intended on coming out tonight but when my roommate came back with some guys from the team they pressured me into coming. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I stepped away and looked at the ID. It was her but I declined because if she really wanted to talk to me she would have came over yesterday. I put my phone on silent before going back to the party.

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