Chapter 14

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3 Months later....
Mary Kay P.O.V.
It was July and in a week we would be going back to school. I am 4 going on 5 months pregnant. Me and Jax have grown a pretty good relationship. He's been there the most for me not saying he's the only one just he's been by my side and never left. We moved out and into an apartment together its pretty good. He works his job and I was working two jobs one at Forever 21 and I was working at a consultant place they basically paid me to do what I learn at school from therapy & psychology classes. It was mostly rich people but I had to leave my job at the mall and kept the consular job it was okay and paid well. On another hand Jax had been planning to get Drafted soon.

And the others, Catherine and Riley still haven't made a move but I notice him try and talk to her. Yea Catherine told me the whole rundown between her and Riley. Alex and Shawn have been unbreakable, and Iyauna well that tramps gone so everyone's basically cool. Me and Jax have been around each other all summer besides when were hanging with everyone else or working. I can't deny feelings have been forming. Right now I had just gotten out of the shower and Jax was at work.

I could never replace Trevor but I kinda had to face the fact he's gone. I understand I'll always have love for him. And I dont understand why would he do something as harsh as take away his life. I can't and don't regret what me and Trevor went through cause we found our way back to each other. I really wish we had more time together but I love the time that spent.

Catherine P.O.V.

Long time

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Long time. I know but I had enjoyed the dancing last year and hopefully I can continue I've been practicing with the girls this summer. Its grown into something I love. Not that I'd try and make a career but it takes me wherever it takes me. I had gotten dressed and planned on going out with this guy I met a few weeks ago. He had been begging me. I gave him my number and he definitely used it he seemed cool on the phone. Just a little dry thats off.

I got a text saying he was parked outside. I quickly got up and went down. He opened up the door for me. "Thanks." I smiled. He nodded as he continued his conversation in the phone. Damn.... I kinda understood because he was 3 years older then me and is a business man. The type of guys my mother always wanted me to date. But clearly if he can't even make time for a simple ass date then he won't in our future if we have a relationship. He pulled off still on the phone. I took out my phone scrolling. "Don't you think thats rude considering we're on a date?" He turned to me.

I rolled my eyes before putting my phone away looking at the window. We pulled up at a known Italian Restaurant. I'm not much of a fancy restaurant and shit person. So this was a little to much to me. Once we got inside and got seated I felt eyes on me. I looked behind the side of me and came up to the eyes of Riley and some man talking.

Riley P.O.V.
"Listen you gone be playing big boy ball before school start you sure you ready?" A sports agent that was interested in representing me asked. I nodded. "Fa sho. I been wanted this since I was a kid to hear these teams want me and I've played 3, 4 years of college football, there's no doubt. I'm ready." I told him. He nodded. "I got you my job is to make sure you straight and better your career." He told me. "Alright but ian with them scams." I told him. He shrugged. "I understand. That's not my M.O." He sounded legit to me. "Alright nice talking with you." I said standing and shaking his hand.

I walked over to the other table where Catherine and her date were in a heated argument. "Listen you been on the damn phone this whole time and when I decided to get on mine you say its rude. Now you finally fucking give me some attention and your WIFE calls. Hell no! Im not that type of girl to fuck with a married man! So excuse me but good bye." She said before standing and making sure to spill her tea on him. I laughed at the sight. "You look like you need a couple napkins homeboy." I grabbed a big stack and threw them at him.

I followed her hot on her heels as she cursed in Spanish. "Aye chill." I spoke to her. She turned around fast still speaking Spanish angry at me. "Aye! Chill!" I yelled at her. "English?" I questioned her. "My bad im sorry. Just made me mad what were you doing here?" She asked. "Um, I got drafted. But you gotta keep it a secret your the first one I told so he was trying to be my sports agent." I told her. She nodded. "Congratulations." She smiled. "Aw there's the smile. For a second I thought you turned to a demon. Let me take you home." I laughed. She nodded. I opened the door as she got in. "Thanks." She smiled up at me. "Your welcome." I said before closing her door and getting in on my side.

"You know you were staring pretty hard earlier." She laughed. I smirked. "Ion like seeing you with no other dudes." I explained. She blushed. "I still really really wanna be with you. The more time that passes the more I want you." I explained to her. She looked at me with glossy eyes. "okay we can try this out but I just am not trying to get hurt." She told me. "I won't let you get hurt." I said as I turned the car off. She pecked my lips before going inside.

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